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This picture is from @kitsocata on Twitter, show your love to her for the awesome job and making me gasp and laugh at the Cock-A-Doodle-Doo comment xD


"You look absolutely gorgeous tonight, have I mentioned that to you yet?" You push the drink pushed in front of you back to Vox, not falling for this for a second. Not the way he's looking at you as if you're a goddess, or the way he hasn't left your side since you met up with him, Velvette and Valentino earlier.

You only have five more minutes, then you can escape up to Ozzie's lounge where you can see him walking around and hear his loud laughter as everyone waits for his scheduled speech in fifteen minutes.

"You have, when we were in front of your camera crew." You aren't looking forward to seeing that later on Sinstagram either, because Vox isn't the one you wanted to show up to Ozzie's with. The one you wanted to show up with is possibly pouting upstairs in the VIP lounge with everyone else.

His nerves were obvious to you earlier while you got ready. You had to fix his bowtie for him, because he messed it up so much it was beyond wrinkled, and he was uncharacteristically quiet before you left your suite. You asked if he was fine, but he just assured you he was okay and kept telling you how good you looked in Rosie's dress for you.

You thought very briefly with the way he didn't say anything when you first showed yourself to him that it wasn't good, and you were prepared to change, but he shut down that idea in an instant. Trust Lucifer to be the one to reassure you that you can pull off this beautiful dress, and damn near kill your heart with how fast it was beating.

Angel's hip bumps yours as you look out over the crowded tables and private lounges, and when you glance at him you notice how he's tapping his wrist despite looking at Valentino who won't shut up about everything he sees here in Ozzie's.

That's your cue. "Well, it looks like Asmodeus the sin of Lust is looking for us!"

"Just call him down here, little creature, I'd LOVE to talk shop with my competition." There's no chance in Hell, and there's no competition either.

You meet Vox's eye though, because you upheld your end of the bargain on this. You posed for his trashy pictures, you spent the time with him that he requested, your end of the deal is complete. "Fine, if you'd really prefer the company of the sins over the company of your partner," Not partner, boss. "You may go. I'll have drinks sent up to you in a while."

"How generous."

"One more picture!" Velvette's strong arm suddenly wraps around your neck, pulling you in as she yanks Vox in at her other side as well. And you can feel the disgusting presence of Valentino at your back too, the only help against it being Angel who you're sure got pulled in by Valentino's grubby claws. "Say Ozzie's!"

You don't, you just smile instead as Velvette turns her phone to face all of you and snap the picture. Except, just as she's about to take it, you feel a cold hand grab you by the chin and force your eyes away from the camera lens.

Only for the mouth of your boss who you have never regretted more having to call him that to force itself over your own, that electric blue tongue that tastes of whiskey and could charm anyone to do his bidding licking into your mouth before you even have a chance to realize what's happening.

And the worst part of it is you hear the shutter sound to tell you Velvette took a picture of that moment, of Vox smirking against you before you shove him back from you and wipe his spit off your lips. "Vox!"

"That's PERFECT! I'm posting it now!"

"No! Don't--"

Angel's pulling you away as you feel your stomach rolling with disgust and the urge to crack that screen/face of Vox's with your fist. "We've gotta run, see you tomorrow, baby!" You even struggle against Angel, wanting to at least give Vox a piece of your mind for that disgusting stunt, but Angel wraps two arms around you and continues pulling you away from the disgusting scene.

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