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Okay, you're at the point now where you can agree with Lucifer's desire to throw Lilith out of the hotel...

"Is it really so bad for him to have a relationship with his son?" Husk asks as he wipes down a glass with his rag, Angel reaching for a bottle of whiskey on the top shelf before turning back towards his boyfriend.

"The point is it's none of Lilith's business, babe." Angel says before you can say it. You're not getting between her and Charlie, so what right does she have to butt into your relationship with your own child?

"But it's Adam's business, since he technically did help create Elias."

"Donated." You correct quickly, still very much in agreement with Lucifer in describing Adam's role in Elias's creation as a donation.

"Have you tried talking to him about it?" Angel asks before Husk can open his mouth again. "We haven't seen him since yesterday, he didn't come to dinner or breakfast, or answer his door when we knocked."

"He's probably sulking because we got into an argument after you told me what Lilith was doing yesterday. So, on top of that argument she started with Lucifer when Adam was around, she was also trying to convince him he's entitled to my son earlier in the day too." And it irritates you to know that she's playing the victim right now even more.

But good riddance, stay down in the lower rings for longer than a day with the excuse that she can't handle Lucifer yelling at her again. He couldn't care less about her right now if he tried, he's busy looking into the situation with Greed right now.

And Charlie's not getting involved, even though Lilith's trying to involve her in this bullshit. She's just letting Lilith talk and going back to her business of trying to brainstorm ways to bring people back to the hotel post-shooting.

"Was it a bad argument?"

"Well, I told him he essentially raped me because my soul was so drastically damaged, I couldn't remember who he was so therefore couldn't properly consent. Then proceeded to tell him his pity attempt at claiming he loved me once was bullshit, that he never loved me, so you tell me. Was it bad?"

"I've never been prouder of you than I am right now, doll." You nearly choke on a sip of your Shirley Temple because of almost laughing, Angel swatting you on the back before taking a swig of his whiskey. "We might be friends with him now, but you call him out on his bullshit! Consent matters, what he did to you matters! He can't just try to forget it because Elias was made from it!"


"Angel, don't make things worse." Angel proceeds to flip off Husk, who just rolls his eyes at him instead. "Staying mad isn't going to accomplish anything. You two need to talk, without yelling or insulting each other or storming off."

"I know that we need to talk. I've known that since he flew off yesterday after I yelled at him. I just wanted to wait for him to calm down first. If I knew where he was right now, I'd talk to him, but he's obviously sulking somewhere alone." All you know is he's somewhere in the hotel, since Lucifer still hasn't relented on the ward preventing Adam from going far from him or Alastor.

But it's a big hotel with hundreds of empty hotel rooms, so you're not going to go hunt him down through all the empty rooms. When he's ready to come out, you'll talk with him about yesterday and what he's hoping for from you or Elias.

"We could text him and try to get him to come to our room, if it'll help." Angel offers before finishing off his glass of whiskey.

"No, if he wants to talk to me, it needs to happen without him being tricked into it. When he's ready, he'll talk to me. I'll send him a text later, but I think the issue right now is Lilith manipulating his thoughts and feelings on all of this." Which honestly, you would have thought Adam would know better by now than to listen to whatever Lilith has to say to him. Especially considering how she snatched his soul and treated him like garbage half the time.

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