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"Where's Luci?"

"He's... not feeling well. He's resting." You're technically not lying. Lucifer isn't feeling well, he's emotionally exhausted. You weren't going to make him leave your suite before he's ready, and Ortho ended up finding your new room anyways so Lucifer's likely kept busy with your hyperactive demon dog son as well.

Gabriel doesn't seem convinced though, based on the way his lips quirk to the side, but he doesn't question it. "How long do you have before you have to return to Heaven, Uncle Gabriel?" Elias asks as Charlie sets down a tray with tea and glasses on the coffee table in front of you all.

"Unfortunately, I need to return before sunset." Gabriel answers, giving your son a half smile. You're going to have to ask what's going on in Heaven that he's under such strict watch. It wasn't like that when you were there.

But it can wait until Elias is somewhere safer. "Elias, I need to know, how did you end up down here?"

"I was trying to find out more about you, about the guardian angel. There's... I don't know if this is crazy, but these whispers or something that are very distant at the back of my mind when I focus hard enough. They tried to tell me not to search for you, but I found a ritual online." Whispers...

Shivers rake down your spine, because you know what those whispers are. The lost ones, the ones who only you as the guardian angel should be able to hear. But if Elias hears them...

"You inherited the guardian angel's ability to hear the lost ones? Why didn't you tell me?" Gabriel seems as shocked as you are, because you didn't think that was possible. You didn't think if you ever had kids, that they'd end up being like you.

That there was ever going to be another guardian angel but you.

"I what?"

"Those whispers you mentioned, they're the souls that were lost to both Heaven and Hell. The ones who are outside of our reach, who have been broken beyond returning to the plane they belong to." You explain as Elias takes a cup of tea Charlie offers to him. "The only person who's ever been able to hear them is me. They give warnings to help me in protecting other souls, because they don't want to see other souls end up the way they did."

"So... if I can hear them... Am I part guardian angel?" Elias asks the thing that you're wondering yourself. Is he part guardian angel? He was born from an angel and a human, is that possible? Isn't he the first of his kind? You thought all Nephilim were stories instead of reality, so how do you know if Elias is also a guardian angel?

"I'm not sure. Gabriel, would you be able to tell as an archangel?"

"Wrong archangel to ask that question, baby bird." Then who would be the right one? "And I'm sure you don't want to ask the right one, considering you somehow fell from Heaven to Earth then from Earth to Hell."

Michael, of course, it's Michael. Because Michael's the only archangel who has contact with God, so it's not a question for any angel. It's a question for God. So, the only way you're going to be able to figure it out is by testing it. But if Elias has the ability to hear the lost ones, that must mean something.

"Why do you say it like that, Gabe?"

"Because you haven't even tried to explain why you're here to me yet, so you must want to keep it a secret." Huh, you forgot that Gabriel's always able to read you like a book somehow. "Michael searched for you for a while, though. So, while I can see you don't want to leave, I think everyone else would appreciate knowing you're safe."

Ha, safe. That's hilarious, considering you were just shot and poisoned recently.

"Gabriel, they sent angels down here to kill sinners, I--"

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