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Lucifer hasn't felt this anxious thrum in his chest in a while, and he doesn't like it. He doesn't like that his songbird hasn't responded to his texts, he doesn't like this feeling that something is wrong.

Charlie assured him things are fine, that his queen is just out for the night with Oz, Fizz and Adam, but he doesn't like that either. Because she's been getting closer with Adam recently, he's seen it. He's seen the way that spoiled brat of a man looks at his girlfriend, the way his glances have changed recently from greed to something else, and Lucifer hates it.

He's stolen from Adam three times; he doesn't think he'll be able to handle it if Adam steals one back. Fuck, he can have Lilith even if he wants, Lucifer won't care. Especially after earlier...

The way she was talking to him earlier outside his suite, the way she was touching him, brought him back to before. Brought him back to that place in his memories that he's been living in for seven years, until his songbird brought him back to the present. And he feels like an asshole for not stopping her, he feels guilty for not telling her to get the fuck off and away from him.

But his traitorous heart kept remembering those soft moments with his first wife, and he let it go on until she nearly kissed him. Only then did he find safety when his phone started ringing with Charlie's ringtone and dragged him back to the present before he could do anything he regretted.

Too late though, he already regrets letting her get that close to him.

And he's worried that his songbird knows. Because she was supposed to bring him the charm for Charlie's gift, but instead she sent it up with her magic and left the hotel with Adam after apparently disappearing for a while. She doesn't just take off like that, he knows in his heart something is wrong.

But his guilt is stopping him from going and finding her, because if she knew how Lilith touched him and how she nearly kissed him, it would hurt her. He promised to protect her...

Lucifer sighs, tossing a rubber ducky across the living room in his anxious frustration. He traded with Ortho for the moment, he lifted his grounding so he can sit in the living room in silence while waiting for his songbird to hopefully come home. Ortho's probably long asleep in their bed by now anyways, so when she eventually comes home Lucifer will just carry Ortho back down to the couch.

Lucifer unlocks his phone, staring down at his home screen picture of his songbird smiling happily back at him with her face squished in against his. She doesn't know he has this selfie from their dinner date at the manor set as his home screen, he loves this picture though. He loves seeing her smiling, seeing her happy.

Just as he taps open his messages and is about to open their messages marked with hearts and doves that he changed her contact to; he finally hears the front door opening instead and throws his phone on the couch to meet her at the door.

Although, he's surprised to find it's not just his songbird. Instead, he's being carried by Asmodeus, laughing at Oz who rolls his eyes down at her in his arm before his fellow sin sees him, and his face falls. Lucifer's stomach drops too, because that's enough confirmation for him that something really is wrong and that his songbird left for the night for a reason.

"Hi, Luci, I brought your drunken little bird home." Drunk? But she doesn't drink. She hasn't been drunk since that night in Lust, and even told him she never wanted to be drunk again because she hated the feeling. "We had a little too much fun at my club tonight."

As Oz steps inside, Lucifer notices Fizz also drunkenly draped on his fellow sin's shoulder, and Adam on the other unconscious. "What happened?"

"These two," Asmodeus shrugs his shoulders to gesture to the drunken men on him. "Started a contest and dragged her in."

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