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You wish you had the ability to heal yourself...

The bed shifts behind you, silently alerting you to the fact that the man you narrowly avoided letting see your wounded face last night is waking up just as you are. You were lucky last night, you'd gone to bed before Lucifer and usually sleep on the side that your wound just happened to be on, so you were able to avoid Lucifer seeing it and going off to find the cause.

But Lucifer's arm snakes around your waist just as you're about to crawl out of bed, his body pressing up against your back as he hums sleepily against your neck. "Good morning..."

"Good morning, Lu." Despite how you don't want him to see what's happened, you did miss him yesterday when he was too busy working or spending time with his ex and daughter.

"You were asleep before I got in last night, I missed you..." You laugh softly as he presses a sleepy kiss against your neck, pulling you back further into the bed and away from escaping him seeing your face. "Why didn't you join us, my love? I wanted you to see the pictures we were looking at."

You were too busy trying to calm down two angry men on the roof. "I was tired, Luci, next time I'll join." Hopefully Lilith will be gone by that next time...

"Wanna lay in bed with me for a little bit? I can have breakfast brought up here to us, make up for yesterday." Yesterday?

"What do you mean, Lu?"

"We barely saw each other yesterday, my love." Your anxious heart calms down in an instant, the worry that he somehow knows gone in an instant. "Breakfast in bed, c'mon..." Lucifer pulls on you, kissing at your neck with a heated chuckle.

"Don't you have plans today?"

"I'm about five seconds away from thinking you don't want to spend time with me, songbird." You roll over before you can remember that your brow is still bandaged, because you'd never want Lucifer to think that.


"What the fuck?" Shit... Lucifer's immediately sitting up, a hand reaching over to run his thumb over your bandage as you see his brows furrow before his eyes flicker to glowing demonic, his horns and wings immediately springing out too. "What is this? What happened? Who did this to you?"

"Lucifer, calm down." You sit up as Lucifer throws the blankets off your bodies, reaching for his shoulders when he rears back like he's about to grab his clothes and go find who hurt you before you can get another word in. "Lu, it was an accident."

"An accident? Let me see it." Lucifer reaches for your face again, cradling your chin gently in his hands despite how fire is literally floating between his horns and smoke billowing from his lips. You reach up, gently pulling the bandage back to show the wound you hope is closed by now.

Lucifer's lips pull into a deep frown as he looks at your brow, reaching up to rub a thumb over the tender skin. "I'm okay, Lu. It's already closed, isn't it?" Lucifer's eyes drift back down to yours, but don't return to normal. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you last night, I'm sorry I was trying to hide it, but I didn't want you to get upset."

"Songbird, when someone hurts you, I'm not just upset. They have no right to be near you, let alone hurt you, my love." Lucifer pulls you in closer, his lips pressing against your wound this time. You feel more warmth than you usually do from his mouth, and it only takes you a moment to realize why when you feel Lucifer's familiar magic tickling against your skin.

"Did you just heal me?"

"Yes, which I would have done last night when this supposedly happened if you'd told me." You know he's not actually mad at you, he's mad that you got hurt. "Who did this?"

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