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"Luci..." Lucifer grunts but doesn't turn to look at you. You know he's not mad at you, you know he's only pissed off at Adam and the Von Eldritch kids, but you don't want his night ruined. "Lu, it's okay."

"It's not okay, two fucking assholes seeing you naked and staring at you like you're dessert isn't okay. You seeing that Seviathan has two dicks isn't okay." You rub his back gently, happy to let him vent if it helps. You're not happy either, you really wish you could burn the image of Seviathan stepping into the hot spring from your mind, and even more the way Adam was staring you down as he stripped while Lucifer helped you escape from the embarrassing situation.

On the plus side, now there's no doubt about your relationship with Lucifer. Because if Adam questions it again, you'll just remind him that he intruded on you naked in a hot spring with the king of Hell and his lifelong rival.

Lucifer continues to angrily sulk, hugging his pillow beneath his face and chest as you lay on your side beside him and rub his bare back. You feel bad for him, because you know he was excited to enjoy the hot spring with you, and instead you two got maybe five minutes in there before he was scooping you up and carrying you out with his wings covering your naked bodies from wandering eyes.

"They could have gone to the other fucking spring, but they chose ours..."

"I know, Lu." You press down on that spot on his back that you've learned from your own back releases his wings. And he lets out a startled grunt for a moment but doesn't try to pull them back as you crawl over him to sit on his thighs and rub his wings for him.

"What're you doing?"

"Just because they ruined the hot spring doesn't mean they have to ruin the night, Luci." You say as you start to massage his ruffled wings, focusing on the largest pair first.

"They did ruin the night. Because they fucking flashed themselves at you and stared at you before I could get you out of there." Funny that he doesn't care that he was seen naked, only you. Although, he's not the gender that either man is attracted to from the looks of things. "Fucking Seviathan showed you what a real d--" You stop Lucifer before he can continue by pinching his smallest set of wings.

"Seviathan didn't have anything that interested me, Lu. You do." You shut down that insecure statement before he can try to continue it. "In case you were too busy to notice, you were the one I was clinging to, and you were the only one my eyes stayed on most of the time." Lucifer's body does relax underneath you, so you take that as a good sign.

"I'm sorry, songbird." You crawl off Lucifer when he pushes himself up onto his elbows, laying down at his side as he pulls his wings back in. "I... I don't want other guys to see you like that. It should only be me seeing you that way."

"You know Helsa was staring at you when you stepped out of the hot spring with me, right?" You can't help but giggle at the way Lucifer's lips curl into a disgusted scowl. "Pretty sure her eyes were on your cock-a-doodle-doo, love."

"My cock-a-doodle-doo is only interested in you. And that's fucking gross to think that my fellow sin's daughter was staring at my dick too, so thanks for putting that in my head." You laugh more at his disgust, laying your head back on your pillow as you feel him shifting before he crawls over you to lay his chin on your chest.

"My point here is that I didn't let it get under my skin, because I reminded myself that your eyes are only on me. And my eyes were only on you, Lu." Lucifer curls his arms under you, sighing as you card your fingers into his hair.

"Fucking Adam's probably gonna use that image of you for his spank bank for years to come."

"Why would you say that?!" Now Lucifer's laughing as you swat him on the back for that disgusting idea. "I was being sweet, and you just ruined it, you ass!"

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