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You fly faster than you think you've ever flown to get to those humans down on Earth who are risking making the absolute worst decision in humanity. A bomb that can kill thousands upon thousands of humans in one massive explosion? Cause widespread damage and no doubt hysteria? Why? Why would they ever think this was a good idea?

Why can't time roll back to peace? Why do these humans have to be so territorial and violent now? What changed? Have you not shown them enough that there is a brighter future ahead of them, Heaven awaiting, if they just follow God's commandments and work towards it?


You hover over the desert where the lost souls whispering to you from beyond help have told you this test is to take place. Where they tell you that humanity is taking one big step towards utter destruction of their kind, but at their own hands this time instead of the great floods that brought you down here in the first place.

But there's nothing out here... The humans in this country can't tolerate the heat of the desert like humans elsewhere in the world. This desert is empty, nothing but long abandoned structures falling away to time and tumbleweeds rolling in the wind. Were the lost souls wrong? Did the humans decide on their own not to go through with this catastrophic idea?

Everything goes silent in the back of your head for your first time on Earth, and every single feather on your wings bristles before you feel something pierce through your two lower wings, and you're smashing down into the harsh, hot sands of the New Mexico desert land.

You've never known physical pain until now. No angel above or demon that's come from below to Earth to threaten your humans you've fought so valiantly to protect has ever been able to harm you. No one can hurt you, no one except humanity and the sinners you've only heard about but never encountered on Earth.

But this pain is a searing hot fire that rips through your veins, and you can't reach what's pinned you down by the wings to the hot sands. All you can see is the hot sun glaring down at you as you fight to end this pain.

A shadow falls over your face, blocking out the sun, before you grit your teeth and pull Gabriel's gifted goggles down to shield your eyes at the very least from pain as the stabbing pain in your wings rips through you in an agonizing wave of fire.

"Ouch, looks like you've gotten yourself into a bit of a pickle there, babe." What? Adam?

You lay your head back against the scorching sands to see the first man of humanity crouched down just behind your bleeding wings, grinning wickedly at you through that horrid mask of his. "Adam?"

"Had a feeling you'd need my help, babe. What kind of partner would I be if I didn't come to the rescue?"

"Did you... what did you do?" The whispers are back in full force, whispering to you not to trust him. Don't trust the first man.

"Me? I can't harm you, fuck even his holy fucking dick Michael can't touch you." Adam laughs, slapping his knee as you turn away and look up towards what's shadowing you from the sun. Something far up in the sky, and the whispers tell you that whoever that is, they're who ran an angelic spear through your wings.


"I can help you; you know." You watch as Adam walks around to block your view of the shadowed figure far up in the sky. "All you have to do... is shake my hand."

"What?" Shake his hand? Shake the first man's fucking hand, after you've had a spear rip through your wings and pin you to the Earth that's more home to you than Heaven? And he expects you to shake his hand before he'll rip this goddamn thing out of your wings?

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