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"Come back to bed." The soft, rumbling call from your bed nearly wins you over, nearly has you coming right back to bed when you know you need to get up. "Songbird..."

Oh Hell... You crawl back in, Lucifer's waiting arms pulling you into his chest with a happy hum. "Lu, you know I have a busy day ahead of me." You remind him as he nuzzles his face against the back of your neck. "You're taking advantage of my letting you back across the bed with me, aren't you?"

"No..." You giggle at his sleepy, but still obviously mischievous, response. After last night, and the night before, your heart keeps trying to tell you there might be something more here between you now than just sexual attraction and friendship. But you still haven't asked, because you're afraid that you'll get the wrong answer. "Using you to block Ortho from landing on my rooster again."

"Oh god, don't call it that now." Lucifer giggles childishly against you though as you swat his hand over your stomach. "Are you going to be watching today?"

"I'd rather be there with you, if that TV Demon was doing a live audience." Vox is intentionally not doing a live audience simply because he doesn't want anyone else to run this story than himself. No paparazzi or people recording to Sinstagram. Only him. "Don't trust Adam behaving for you today."

"Aw, are you jealous he's going to be there and not you?"

"Don't make me bite you." You laugh at his deflection. But you feel the threat of him following through prick at the back of your neck. "You know I'd love to."

"Luce, what're we doing?" You ask the question that should have been asked back in Pride Manor's Gardens. The question that even should have been asked last night before you spent two hours soaking in Lucifer's massive jacuzzi naked with him, the only modesty being bubbles and promises not to stare.

"Starting the day with cuddles?" This smartass...

"You took me on a picnic lunch, that you admitted was a date. You took me to soak last night in essentially a bathhouse on your estate, while we were both naked. What're we doing?" You look over your shoulder at Lucifer as he moves back from you at the questioning.

"You're not blind, beautiful, you should know the answer."

"Is this like last time?"

"No!" Lucifer's quick to shut down the fear that this is going to be a repeat. "I... I'm trying to treat you right, songbird. I'm trying to do this right this time."

"What is this then?" You roll over as Lucifer lets go of your waist, meeting his now very alert vermillion gaze.

"I..." Lucifer lets out a frustrated sigh, rolling onto his back and closing his eyes. "You know I'm attracted to you, songbird."

"Yeah, your cock-a-doodle-doo that was against me a second ago told me that." Lucifer's eyes open though to glare at you, so your tease gets that at least. "I don't... want to go back to that friend with benefits deal, Lu."

"Do you really think I'd do that to you again?" Lucifer asks, brows furrowing as you roll onto your side to face him. "After how badly it went last time? Do you think I haven't learned my lesson?"

"I know you have. You're a smart man, Luce, and I wouldn't allow it to happen again either." You learned your lesson too. Perhaps a lot harder than Lucifer did. "But I..." You trail off as you hear your alarm start up on your nightstand again, another warning to get a move on for today's big plans.

"I wanted to do this differently, but I'm a weak man." You give Lucifer a confused hum before rolling over to shut your alarm off. "I wanted to take you out again, maybe take you to Envy. Or Hell, I can even take you up to Earth, I haven't been in a long time. Let you show me some of your favorite places."

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