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"You guys didn't need to leave your date night for us!" You laugh at how Charlie glares down at her excited father for transporting you, him, Oz and Fizz up from Lust to be here with her for her big moment.

"We'll go back down to Lust after, sweetie! I wanted to be here with you for this! My darling baby girl is getting married!" And Lucifer is crying again, but this time on Charlie instead of you.


Charlie's smile tells you she's not as bothered as she's portrayed by her father's emotional reaction to her engagement.

"Please, tell me you recorded it, honey!"

"Oz, we can just record our eventual proposal if she didn't." Fizz is scooped up in an instant by his now laughing partner.

"Charlie had a waitress recording." Vaggie reveals as you finally get a good look at the engagement ring that Lucifer described to you this morning. It's beautiful, the interwoven band of obsidian and rose gold topped by a beautiful heart-shaped diamond. But as you look towards Charlie holding her dad, you notice something.

"Charlie, you have a ring too?" Charlie blinks back at you, before looking down at the equally beautiful ring on her hand.

"Funny you ask..."

"Did you both propose at the SAME time?!" Angel asks what you're thinking before you have a chance to even open your mouth.

You walk over to pry Lucifer off Charlie, so she can show her engagement ring off as well. You wipe a stray tear with your thumb, but Lucifer only devolves again when he gets a good look at the ring on his daughter's finger. "You're perfect for each other. Only you two would pop the same question at the same time." Husk muses as you watch Oz scoop Charlie up in a hug now that she's free from her dad.

Lucifer wraps himself around you now that Charlie's too busy showing off her engagement ring to everyone. "Do you guys have a date in mind?" You ask once Charlie migrates back towards you and her dad, letting you see the beautiful golden band topped with a diamond.

"Not yet. I was more focused on the proposing first."

"We're so busy already, it'll probably be a little while." Vaggie does have a good point. With everything already scheduled for the hotel alone, it'll probably be a long period of planning before a date is set.

"My darling, there you are!" Oh, dammit, she's back... "I saw your message and left immediately to be here with you!"

Charlie is wrapped in a hug by Lilith this time, while you feel your mushy little devil at your back sigh against your neck. You even catch Adam's wings drooping where he's sitting with Angel and Husk, his own disappointment as obvious as yours and Lucifer's.

Alastor's the only one who doesn't seem to care that Lilith is here, too busy gushing over Vaggie's ring. You're curious how he would react if he knew Lucifer forged it himself.

"Mom, I wasn't sure you'd make it!" You even catch Oz and Fizz roll their eyes as they too retreat away from Lilith's presence, joining you and Lucifer instead. "Look!"

"It's gorgeous, both of them are! The jeweler must have been the best in Hell." Lucifer snorts back a laugh against your neck.

"Dad made the ring I gave Vaggie." Alastor immediately narrows his eyes down at the ring before turning away as if the ring no longer holds any value. These men... "He was going to give me your engagement ring--"

"Lu Lu, Charlie should still have our engagement ring! Maybe one day our grandchildren can use it!" Lilith doesn't even glance Lucifer's way, and you wonder if it's because he has himself wrapped around you while you sit together.

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