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You miss being down in Lust, because being back in Pride reminds you of the problems that come with your life up here. Specifically, the news article glaring at you through your phone screen about you supposedly being in a relationship with your FUCKING BOSS!

And there's pictures of you two on that balcony at dinner together. Of his hand over yours on the table, of the way he's looking at you with that charming smile. Even of you smiling back at him when you were sassing him.

Of you protecting him from getting shot with your wings.

You knew he was up to something. You knew there was no way he'd take you to some fancy restaurant without a catch. You knew there was no reason for him to have Velvette doll you up in a dress without a good reason, and this was his reason!

Making you out to be his girlfriend? Making himself out to be some suave partner who scooped the birdie of the Vees? Putting his face on every TV and newspaper with you at his side?!

And as if being attached to your boss in that sense wasn't enough of a kick, now you have an obviously pissed off Lucifer who's not talking to you. And you don't know why, because you told him that you weren't interested in Vox that way, but he's back to being the protective jerk he was being in Lust again, except this time he's not responding to your texts, and he didn't come down to your room last night.

Why? Why doesn't he believe you? Didn't he say it was your choice if you wanted to date Vox? Wouldn't that imply that he doesn't care? And why should he care? It doesn't involve him! Or is it something else entirely, and this Vox thing is just coincidental with him ignoring you?

"Lucifer, can you please tell me why you're not talking to me?"

Silence. Silence from the man who you'd never felt closer to upon coming back from Lust yesterday, and now today is icing you out. Even when you both live in the same building just a floor apart.

You finish compiling the pictures you took of Lust into a folder and send it off to Vox, even though you really don't want to cooperate with his request since he let you come back to this shock. But even though your supposed date with Vox didn't end as badly as you thought it would, minus the gunfight, you don't trust him not to lash out at you again if you rebel again.

You're just about to start on the notifications for Velvette's show tomorrow, when your phone buzzes to let you know, you have a text. And you can't help snatching it up immediately, heart hopeful that Lucifer is finally texting you back.

It's the wrong Morningstar, however. "I hope I'm not intruding on anything, but can I ask if everything is alright between you and my dad?"

Even Charlie sees it. Or is Lucifer saying something to her that he's not to you? "I don't know, he's not talking to me for whatever reason. If he tells you anything, you'd know more than I do."

"Oi!" You hear your office door slam immediately after hearing Velvette loudly announce herself, and obviously today isn't going to get any better any time soon. "I heard you went on an adventure to Lust, how was it outside our ring?" Velvette launches herself onto your desk, sitting on the edge as you work on her ads for tomorrow's show.


"I saw! I saw some of Angel Dust's post, you look like you had fun." Wait, what? Velvette is suddenly shoving her bedazzled phone in between your eyes and your computer screen, showing a very drunk you posing with him, Husk, Cherri and Lucifer. When was this? Why wasn't this on the footage Asmodeus showed? "I like that cami, do you still have it? I want to see the design."

"It got ruined." You say it before realizing that was a mistake, because Velvette is suddenly smirking down at you.

"Have some extra fun down in Lust? Was it King Morningstar? You HAVE to spill!" Velvette drops off your desk to bend over the edge of it, propping her chin on her hands.

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