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Sometimes, you genuinely forget that Lucifer's origins are Heaven just as your own. With his chaotic nature, coupled with his perverse/wicked sense of humor, it's kind of easy to forget that he wasn't always this way.

Especially when you see him like this. See that shorter, but lean, toned body stretched out in bed beside you in nothing but a tight pair of boxer shorts. Pale skin that begs to be marked, messy platinum blond hair that you'd love to muss up further covering his closed eyes as you watch his chest rise and fall slowly.

Lucifer has an ethereal beauty that can only be originated from the divine. His mind might be far from heavenly, but his body certainly is. You wonder, how much did his angelic form differ from his current? Although you're sure you'd love him either way, as he's still your little devil regardless of realms.

You trail your hand that's been lain on his chest, with his over yours, down slowly across the warm flesh of pale chest. Nails dragging gently across his skin as he still sleeps through your touch. Nails dragging slowly down his stomach, over his abdomen into the feathery trail of hair descending towards his boxers.



"Slowly descending into your gravity until you found me, handsome." And Lucifer's eyes that had rolled shut when his head fell back flutter open to stare back at you, before his hand not holding your hip reaches down and pulls yours out of his boxers.

Before you can question it, he's rolling you onto your back and slotting himself between your legs with his arms bracing himself over you. And you can't help yourself from leaning up to kiss him, when he's looking at you with that warm look in his vermillion eyes.

And the way Lucifer sighs into the kiss has your heart soaring in your chest. But you laugh into the kiss when his tail that you didn't realize has made an appearance wraps around your leg, pulling it up to wrap around his waist before repeating with the other. "What are you doing, Luce?"

Lucifer silences you with another kiss, chuckling against your lips this time before his hot tongue licks into your mouth to brush against your own. And you're wrapping your arms around Lucifer's neck, effectively wrapping yourself in him as he lays more of his weight over you.

You know you have things to do today, that you have a lunch meeting with Vox and everyone else before you run off to Envy, but Lucifer is irresistible.

"I am in love with you."

Your eyes that had fluttered shut at Lucifer's kiss fly open at the soft confession against your lips. You stare back at those warm vermillion eyes staring back at you as your heart races faster in your chest than you think it did when he confessed his feelings at Pride Manor. Because you haven't said those words before, you haven't labelled your relationship as any more than proving feelings.

"I know that it might be early to be saying that. That we have all of eternity to share with each other if we want it, all of eternity to decide if this feeling between us is more than just white-hot passion. I know that you're still worried that I might still love my ex, that I might eventually leave you for her if she ever came back."

Lucifer pulls you up to sit as his hands come to cup your face, the sincerity in his words and his eyes telling you enough though.

"But I know that I love you. I am in love with you, beautiful songbird." Lucifer professes as your hands come up to hold him by the face as well, that smile never once wavering from his lips. "I am in love with this woman who accepts me the way I am. I am in love with this woman who does whatever she can to help those around her. I'm in love with this woman that is helping my daughter chase her dream and even defending her against her overprotective daddy." You laugh as your happiness about his words manifests in tears trailing your face to be wiped by him.

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