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A lot of things make sense now...

You stare down at the pill bottle in hand, what few pills remaining in it jingling as you hand it back to Charlie. It makes sense now why Lucifer has been in such better spirits since that day he was down in Sloth all day.

Charlie's frown hurts your heart more than Lucifer's secret though. "I just...he didn't tell either of us, and we spend the most time with him. I'm worried, you know?"

"I know, I don't blame you for worrying about your dad. But...are they bad for him? Hasn't he seemed better?" You don't like how Lucifer's keeping secrets, but you can't really say much when you have some of your own.

You don't want to know how Charlie came across his meds, that's her own business. But if it's what Lucifer feels helps, then shouldn't you guys just leave him be? Yeah, he's taking heavy antidepressants and going to therapy in Sloth, but if he doesn't want to talk about it then you guys can't force him.

"I thought he...I thought we were getting better. I thought he was being more open with me, but I want to know if he feels he's struggling that badly that he needs to sneak around and get things from Sloth!" Charlie explains as she throws her hands in the air, Vaggie wrapping an arm around her shoulders to try to help calm the distraught daughter. "I know you two have been spending a lot of time together, that's why I thought you'd know about it because he won't admit it to me."

"How did you find out he was seeing Belphegor for therapy?" You ask, kind of worried of the answer you're about to get.

"My uncle Oz told me." That makes sense, because Charlie is usually at the hotel most days. "I want to ask him about it, but I'm afraid he's going to try to deny it or lie to me, and we're just finally getting through our communication issues!"

"Charlie, sweetie, it'll be okay." Vaggie pulls her in so Charlie's head can lay on her shoulder. "It's okay to worry about him but think of it this way. He's not locked up in the manor anymore, right?" Charlie shakes her head. "He's getting out and tending to his duties as king again. He's more alive now than you've said he's been in a decade."

"But I want to be involved, Vaggie! I want to help him, I don't want him to feel like he has to sneak around me, us!" Charlie waves around herself, towards you and Vaggie as well.

You never would have imagined when Charlie texted you as you were secretly with her father in his suite that this is what the big emergency was. You understand Charlie's view on it, you understand she's worried about her dad, but at the same time you can't help seeing Lucifer's silent point of view on it either. He's a man, he's a father, he's a man who's been doing everything alone for years. He probably doesn't want to discuss it just like he doesn't want to discuss lots of things.

And while Charlie is upset at being left in the dark, worried that her dad might be making bad decisions, you can't help but think about the fact that he's seemed genuinely happy these days since he first went to Sloth. Medication isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially not if it helps.

"Are you sure he hasn't said anything to you?" You shake your head at Charlie when she turns her attention back on you finally. "I... I know he's been with you most nights now." Wait, what? HOW DOES SHE KNOW THAT?

"What're you talking about?" It's a struggle not to let your inner panic show, not to let your heart leap up out of your throat like it wants to.

"He's not exactly slick." Vaggie says with a roll of her eyes that does nothing to help calm your nerves. Lucifer doesn't want anyone to know about this! "Niffty was hunting bugs the other day and found some of his feathers in your room. Red ones." Ones that wouldn't belong to you, because your feathers are gold or ivory...

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