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You open your eyes to darkness, your face buried in your pillow versus warm skin as you've grown accustomed to in the last few weeks. Taking a moment to blink back the tiredness, you wince when you feel a twinge in your wings that you never sleep with.

You go to roll over, to check what the pain in your wings is, only to see bandages wrapped around your aching wing and seeping with gold ooze. Gold like...

You're up out of bed in an instant, using your wings to propel yourself up as everything comes back to you. From that chain in your wings to the collar around your...

Where's the collar? Did it disappear? You're in your own bed, but how did you get here? Did the others bring you back? Did they fend off Adam?

You flinch when something wraps around your waist just as your feet touch the carpeted floor, ready to take off but instead you recognize that warm scaly appendage. Looking down, you follow that tail to its owner sleeping on his stomach on your couch.

Wait, why is Lucifer on the couch? He never sleeps anywhere but beside you in bed. "Luce?" In an instant, that tail lets go of you as you watch Lucifer jerk awake and push himself up as if waking from a bad dream. "Lucifer, why're you on the couch?"

You're at his side in an instant, stopping him from launching off the couch like he looked ready to from the sudden wakeup call. "Why're you awake this late?" The hand that you just barely placed on his forearm as he laid back down on his stomach is brushed off, and your heart aches that he would brush you off.

"I asked why you're on the couch first."

"You've been unconscious for an entire day, I had to stay close by." But not in your bed like he usually would? And why isn't he meeting your eye as you crouch in front of him? And what does he mean a whole day? You don't feel like you've been out that long.

"What happened?"

Lucifer pushes himself up, so you move back to let him have some space as he sits up and cracks his back with a loud groan. And that's why he doesn't sleep on the couch... "I stopped you from fighting Adam by taking you and him through a portal and knocked you both out so you wouldn't cause a bigger scene than you already did." What does that mean? How did you cause a scene?! Adam's the one that attacked you all as you were leaving Ozzie's!

"You knocked me out?"

"Not intentionally, it was probably the surge of raw angelic power in you, huh songbird?" You blink back at Lucifer at the sudden animosity in his tone. A tone you've never heard him direct at you before. Angelic power? You didn't even know you had that UNTIL Adam showed up! "Were you ever going to tell me? Tell any of us?"

"I didn't even know about it, Lucifer."

"You're telling me you don't remember Adam putting an angelic collar on your soul? And you expect me to believe that?" You step back from Lucifer, watching as he stands up and cracks his back again.

"I told you long ago I didn't remember much of my life before Hell. All I remembered was that I was devout!" That you... You remember many moments of pain, the kind of pain that would challenge someone's faith, but you never wavered.

You step further back from Lucifer as his eyes finally fall on you, the rage in them something you've never seen directed at you before, and you don't understand. Why is he mad at you? You didn't know about any of this, you knew that you're a sinner! "Fortunately, I have Adam locked up in Pride Manor right now, so either way if you don't tell me what's going on and why an obviously powerful angel is down here in my realm, I'm going to find it out from him."

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