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Here, feast, your wait is over early!


It feels like there's a chisel picking away at the inside of your skull, and you whine as you roll over and curl into the warmth that had been against your back. Hopefully it can get rid of the ache behind your eyes.

Your nose is filled with the delightful smell of apples as you curl yourself around the warmth, and you hum along with the warmth when something slips around your waist and pulls you in closer.

Your hum turns into a whine though when you feel yourself being moved, and then there's a sharp hiss of air just above your head that has you whining louder for quiet against your pounding skull.

The warmth around your waist leaves, and you finally uncurl to open your eyes and tell whatever just stole your comfort against your breaking skull to go to Hell.

Instead, you open your eyes to meet vermillion, and you wince at the neon lights above your head before you drop your head back down against the warm bare skin beneath you.

But he's pulling you in again, rolling you onto your back and laying over you like a warm blanket that will keep the lights and sounds and pain away. And he's so, so warm, and you're wrapping your arms around him to smooth against the warm skin of his back as well as he presses his face in against your neck.

Hold on... Bare skin?

Your eyes fly back open despite the raging headache and burn of purple and pink neon lights above you that threaten to kill your head. Blinking through the pain, you look down at the messy platinum blond hair against your chest and look further down as you realize there's no shirt on him as there usually would be.

Your head hurts too much for this, but you try to pull the thin pink sheets down, and just barely hold back from screaming when you don't see his usual plaid pajama bottoms either from how little the sheets shifted. But you still must have made a noise, because he's stirring against you, lifting his own head and you realize you're also not wearing a shirt now.

When Lucifer lifts his face and meets your eye again, it's probably the fact your mouth feels like cotton that keeps you from making any noise, but your body reacts though and flinches at the realization of just how under-dressed the two of you are. Your leg that had been trapped between his two flinches upwards to try to get up, but Lucifer lets out a groan and rolls off you in an instant as you realize what you've done.


"I'm sorry, I didn't...where are our clothes???" You can't focus on the fact you just kneed the half-awake devil in the groin, because you know you were wearing a laced cami and skirt last night. And now you're in just your underwear. And where are you??? "Where are we???"

Lucifer doesn't respond, too busy holding himself and groaning into a pillow as you realize you must have hit him harder than you thought. You roll over in an instant, the confusion and fear trying to tear at your skull with the headache fading in comparison to the guilt over injuring him. You brush some loose curls away from his face and rub his back, before realizing that he's not naked as you thought. He's wearing tight black boxers, although those don't look like his brand of loose rubber ducky...

"Lust manor..."


"You asked where we are." Lucifer clarifies for you, rolling over onto his back with a hiss of pain before his eyes drop from yours and trail downwards, and your heart thumps into your ribs as you watch the way his eyes widen before his pale face colors red and he's sitting up fast only to hiss and hold his head. "Oh fuck..."

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