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"Songbird, come on..."

You know Lucifer was upset earlier; you understand that seeing his little brother for the first time in thousands upon thousands of years was a lot to put on him. But you can't forget how he reacted to the idea of his sibling knowing that you're in a relationship with him.

What's so wrong with Gabriel knowing? Is Lucifer ashamed to admit that he's divorced from the woman he fell from Heaven for? Is he ashamed to admit he's dating you now instead? You would have thought he'd proudly announce he's in a relationship with you, not glare at you for revealing it and stop Gabriel from mentioning it.

But Lucifer can't just act like he didn't do it now that Gabriel is gone. He can't expect you to slip away to your bedroom with him to finish what he'd been doing before you interrupted with Gabriel's arrival. "Lucifer, no, you can go finish what you'd been doing if you want. I'm going to finish giving Elias a tour of the hotel with Charlie."

"What did I do?" Lucifer finally seems to catch on to the fact that you're not happy with him, took him long enough. "Is it because I threatened to go kick in Heaven's gate?"

"No, it's the way you reacted to Gabriel knowing that we're dating, Lucifer." Lucifer's brow furrows in confusion for a moment, obviously forgetting what he'd done, before he seems to remember based on the way his eyes widen.

"Wait, I know that looked bad, but--"

"Lucifer, I'm giving my son a tour of your daughter's hotel right now."

"My love, I just didn't want him spreading that around Heaven! I don't want them to know you're here and try to come for you!" You roll your eyes at Lucifer as you turn your attention back towards Charlie showing Elias the view of Pentagram from the verandah. Obviously, even though you told Lucifer you're not going anywhere, he still doesn't believe you. "Gabriel's the biggest gossip in all of Heaven, songbird!"

"He didn't tell anyone that you'd gone to the garden, did he?" Lucifer's mouth shuts, knowing you're right. "He promised not to share what happened here today, didn't he?"

"I'm sorry, my love." Lucifer steps in front of your view of your and his child, taking your hand into his own. "I didn't mean to make it seem like I wanted to hide our relationship, I promise. I'm proud that I get to call you mine, and that you can do the same." Your heart that's been trying to relax after that slap pangs off your ribs, telling you he's being honest.

"It didn't help that you looked nostalgic of your time in the garden when Gabriel handed you the apple either, Lu."

Lucifer's lips pull into a frown, before he pulls you with him towards a nearby bench. "My love, I won't lie and tell you I wasn't thinking about it fondly." Your heart sinks again, because that same woman is in this hotel right now. "But that was a different life, songbird. That woman that I fell for in the garden of Eden has been gone for a long time. That angel that broke the rules for her too. I don't want to go back to it, I belong here in the present with the woman I was meant to be with." Lucifer's reassurance lifts your heart again as he squeezes your hand gently in his warm one.

"Lucifer... It hurt thinking that you were ashamed to be with me then see the way you looked at that apple. I'm happy for you that you were able to talk with Gabriel, that you worked out some of your pain over him at least, but it..."

"I'm so, so sorry, my beautiful songbird." Lucifer hugs you gently, letting you lay your face against his shoulder. "I'm proud to be with you, I'd happily tell all of Heaven I'm with you. I'm sorry I got scared that my brother would try to take you away and lashed out against Gabriel because of it." Lucifer presses a kiss against your temple as you slip your arms around his waist. "I'd take down my brother in a heartbeat if he tried."

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