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Play the video at the top whenever, it'll fit better later in the chapter though ;P


You'd thought with how well Lucifer has been distracted that he wouldn't be thinking of Lilith as often. Maybe that was wishful thinking for his heart and your own, but you hoped it would keep his mind off her.

It hurts you too though, as much as you know he's hurting right now. It hurts you to know he's still dreaming of Lilith even after going to bed with you at night. It hurts to see him refusing to look at you, refusing to take his face out of his pillow, as he lays on his stomach beside you. Even if it sounded like a nightmare with how he jerked away after saying her name, it still hurts.

You carefully roll over and crawl onto his back, laying your face against his bare shoulder blade as he tries to smother himself in his pillow. If he wants you off, he doesn't say it. If it helps, he doesn't say it. You just cuddle him and rub his sweaty skin for him to try to fend off whatever he just saw in his own head to put him in such distraught upon waking.

"You want me to give you some space?" You ask after a while of silently laying on his back. He shakes his head, not answering verbally. "Want me to scratch your neck?" That gets a nod, so you shift over enough to reach up and scratch gently at the back of his neck like he likes. Let your fingertips soothe the usually tense muscles beneath.

It takes a while of silent cuddles and scritches, but you finally feel him relaxing as you scoot off his back to rub his lower back too. His pain hurts you, seeing him this upset at a dream hurts you. You'd take his pain away in an instant if you could.

"Wanna try going back to sleep?" It's early, but you know he has time. And you have today off, so if he wanted to take a skip day, he could sleep in to make up for the ruined sleep.

"Can we cuddle?" Your heart flutters at how he feels he needs to ask. You nudge his shoulder, and he rolls onto his side with puffy eyes that hurt your heart even more. You cup his cheek, and he leans into your touch with a wavering lip before you scoot back in and cuddle yourself against his front with your head underneath his chin. "Thank you..."

"Whatever you need, Lu." You hum softly against his collarbone, wrapping your arms around his back as he drapes his leg over both of yours and hugs you infinitely closer. "If you ever wanna talk about it, I'm here to listen."

"Not ready..." You rub his back softly, and he's finally melting into the bed once more as he does every night when he comes to bed with you.

"It's okay, Luce. Just relax, I'm here whenever and however you need me." And your heart flutters when you feel his face bury in your hair, his lips pressing against you before he goes still with a tired hum.

You hope the day when Lilith's chains break from Lucifer's heart comes sooner and sooner every day...


"You're going to go do what?" Lucifer calls from the comfort of your bed, where he's been lying all day on his phone or watching movies with you. And you haven't made him get up, you haven't made him do anything in fact. You even ordered breakfast and went down and got it when it arrived at the hotel just so Lucifer wouldn't get out of bed to cook with Charlie, you don't mind sharing your wealth with him and your friends.

But Lucifer's had a bad morning, with that nightmare, so you've stayed at his side in case he needs anything and just give him your companionship and attention as he's stayed unusually quiet.

"Charlie's having a human culture night. Remember, we talked about it the day we were cooking burgers?" Lucifer's brows furrow as if he's trying to rake his memory, but you smile down at him and pat his messy bed head hair as you join him back on the bed for just a little longer. "We're doing dances tonight. Even Alastor's going to be teaching some dances from the twenties and thirties."

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