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You look up from finishing editing an ad for the hotel as Lucifer comes crashing out of his workshop, practically throwing himself onto your chair. "What are you doing, Luce?"

"Songbird..." You raise a brow at your winded partner. He's been in his office, what is he freaking out about?

"What's wrong? Has something happened?"

"Charlie..." You turn immediately to Lucifer, standing from your chair. "She..."

"She what? Lu, take a deep breath and explain." Did Lilith do something before Charlie and Vaggie left? Has someone tried attacking Charlie again? No, if that was the case, Lucifer wouldn't even be here. So, what's wrong?"

"She... She asked me for the engagement ring I made for her." What?

Charlie... Asked Lucifer for a ring. "She's proposing? Charlie's proposing to Vaggie?" Shivers rake down your spine, you weren't expecting that to be what has Lucifer in such a tizzy.

"My baby girl's wanting to get married. My Charlie is going to propose." Lucifer wraps you in a hug, pulling you into his chest with a bubbling laugh as you see tears of happiness dotting his vermillion eyes.

You hug Lucifer against your chest, letting him hug out his happy tears against his Lu Lu World t-shirt that you snatched from his dresser. "You're gonna have another daughter, Luci. Congratulations, I'm so excited to hear how her day goes."

"I don't know what changed. Days ago, she said she wasn't ready, then she just called me before they left asking for the ring I made her." You thought he was going to give Charlie the ring he gave Lilith.

"What happened to giving her the ring you gave Lilith?"

"Charlie said she wanted something original if the day came that she proposed. So, I forged a diamond from hellfire, coal and lava for her and made a band of obsidian and rose gold to put it on." You're excited to see this ring then. You didn't even know it was being made, that Charlie changed her mind about marriage, so you're excited to see Vaggie come back with that ring on her hand. If she accepts, but you're sure she will based on how the two are.

"If we thought we were busy before, imagine trying to plan a wedding. Let alone a wedding for the princess of Hell." Lucifer chuckles softly against your chest, before pulling back and letting you wipe away a few stray tears.

"I'm not going to let her worry about a thing, I'll handle it all. It's the least I can do after being absent from her life for way too long. I want to be the one to help welcome her into the next exciting stage of her life." You hug Lucifer right back into you as his eyes well with more happy tears.

"I'm sure you'll make sure it's a day she never forgets." Lucifer sniffles before nodding against your chest, pulling you with him towards your chair before sitting with you straddling his lap. "Do you still wanna go to Lust tonight, or push it off so you can be here when Charlie gets back with the news?"

"I'll portal us back and forth. I told her to text me when they get home, and we'll come up here to be here for the announcement, then we can go back to Lust after for celebratory drinks." Okay, it sounds like a good plan. That way, you still gt to have your date together tonight and be with Charlie for her big announcement.

"It won't be too much on you, right?"

"Beautiful, I used at least ten times the amount of magic it takes to make a portal just investigating the prison at my manor." Yes, but he also wasn't trying to juggle a bunch of other things at the same time like a date with you or being in a different ring.

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