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Lucifer eventually got rid of the portal view of what's going on at the amusement park, because you both trust Charlie to have things handled, and the two of you instead turned on a movie after making sure Ortho is fine downstairs with his VoxTube. You tried getting him to come join you, but he just wants to stay in his own room.

"I think you moving our room to the top of the tower was possibly a bad idea."


"Because now we're further away from our baby!" Lucifer rolls his eyes dramatically at you, his mood lifted again after the conversation of where you'd want to be once Elias leaves Hell. "He has to run up two sets of stairs now just to find us!"

"He'll be fine, he's practically a teenager at this point. He doesn't run to our bed in the middle of the night anymore."

"Luce, he ran to our bed last week..." Lucifer snorts back a laugh but doesn't take his eyes off the movie playing at the end of the bed. "You just didn't want to have to hear him howling at his game at night anymore."

"I mean, the only one who I want to hear crying out into the night is the woman in bed with me right now." This little devil... "You can't hold onto him forever. He's growing up, and he's going to want his independence. Charlie definitely did..." Now you're the one snorting back a laugh, because you still can't imagine a rebellious teenage Charlie like he claims she was.

"You just want him to grow up, so he stops rebelling against you and throwing things at you."

"I mean, that would be nice. I'd love to not have controllers whipped at my gut anymore." The laugh slips free by accident this time, and Lucifer's glaring at you playfully as you try to smother it behind your hand. "It's so nice to see my girlfriend finds enjoyment from our child harming me."

"That's not true, I don't..." You trail off into more giggles. "You're the devil, Lu! You're the most powerful being in all of Hell, and you're being knocked down a peg by our little Ortho! It's funny!" Lucifer rolls his eyes at you once again before you lay your face against his chest to smother your laughter.

"I'm not going to fight back or restrain him! He's a child! He'll grow out of it eventually, I hope..."

You lift your face to look up at your little devil. "You've created creatures before him. Why are you questioning if he'll grow out of being a teenager?"

"Because my creations don't typically age! Ortho's something entirely new!" You chuckle again before laying your face back down against Lucifer's chest. Lucifer's hand that's been lying on your back starts to stroke back and forth, the motion relaxing you.

"It'll be worth it eventually. Just like the day we have a kid, and they grow up to be as sweet as Charlie and Elias."

"Don't say things like that to me unless you want me to try speeding up that eventuality happening, my love." You laugh against his chest, knowing he'd love the chance to make that reality approach sooner even if he's struggling with Ortho.

"Anything from Charlie yet?" You change the subject instead, because you know your time alone together in the suite is finite. There isn't enough time for him to attempt what he truly wants out of your time alone tonight.

"Nope. I'll probably get a call or text here in the next half hour though. The park closes soon, so I'll just open a portal for them all to come home. Honestly, I'm glad we bailed for this though. There wasn't enough time to show you the whole park." You have to agree, lying in bed with Lucifer is better than trying to rush through things in the park.

But you also want to know what's going on with your son, or if Charlie found anything out from Velvette or not.

As if Charlie knew she was being discussed, you hear Lucifer's phone buzz on his nightstand to announce a text. "Well, that was good timing." You scoot away from Lucifer to let him reach for his phone, pausing the movie since he's the only one really watching it. You've been in and out on what's happening.

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