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"Why is Ozzie asking me if we're going to give him another niece or nephew, Lu?" You ask your king as he lays on his pillows beside you on his own phone, neither of you quite ready to get out of bed yet today.

"Hm?" You aim your phone his way, letting him read the message from Oz that you didn't see you'd received last night. Honestly, the moment you and Lucifer got in last night, the only thing either of you noticed was each other until you went to sleep eventually.

You have to hold in the urge to laugh at the way Lucifer's cheeks dust in an adorable blush at reading Oz's message requesting his name be considered if you both have a boy. "Something you and Oz discuss that I need to know about?"

"No! He's being a dick!"

"Aren't I technically unable to conceive with you?"

"Before we fixed your soul, yeah." Before? So, that means you can now? And you and Lucifer just had sex last night without contraception. Lucifer specifically has shared about his breeding kink too, so... "Relax, my love, you look like you're going to have a heart attack."

"Lu, you didn't wear a condom."


"So? What, do you want a kid when we haven't even been together a year?"

You watch as Lucifer sets his phone down, reaching over for his nightstand as your mind continues to try to understand why he hasn't thought to discuss this before with you. He said he would have wanted another kid, but Lilith said no, so is he... But do you...

Lucifer turns back to you after rooting through his nightstand drawer, pulling you into his side after just a glance at your face. "Breathe, my love. I'm not trying to get you pregnant, that's what this is for." Lucifer hands you a bottle stamped with the sigil of Sloth and his initials.

"What is this?"

"I'm shooting blanks, beautiful. I wasn't going to make you take anything unless you told me you wanted to, so I got this from Bel the moment I realized your soul is recognized as a fallen in Hell now instead of a sinner." You look over the bottle, opening it to see the little tablets as Lucifer leans his chin on your shoulder.

"Why didn't you talk to me first, Lu?"

"I'm sorry, I should have. I wanted to before we had sex again. Wasn't expecting to get pissed off seeing Adam holding you and practically drag you to our bed though." You can't help the laugh that rips from your lips, because there really was no room for talking last night. It was frustration being vented on each other, want that's been building up over the days unable to be handled until last night. "I used to take these when I was with Lilith, so I know they work."

"Do they have side effects?" You don't want him to feel like he needs to handle these sensitive things on his own. "Condoms would have worked fine too, Lu."

"I hate them, I don't like the way they feel. I hate feeling separated by them; I'd rather only feel you around me." You roll your eyes playfully at him as you meet his frustrated gaze. "The only side effect I get is I'm hornier than usual."

"Oh gee, that's totally not something you already are ALL the time." Lucifer sticks his tongue out at you for the mocking, before you turn enough to kiss him on the red dot hiding his dimple from you. "You don't need to handle this stuff alone, Lu. This is something we should have discussed together first."

"I know, I'm sorry." Lucifer pulls you in for a kiss, nuzzling his nose against yours as you giggle at his cuddliness this morning. "I've been so busy it just keeps slipping to the back of my mind. I've taken a pill every morning and just forgotten about it after. Lilith had me on them for so long it just becomes a routine for me."

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