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I kept forgetting to add our song with Lucifer, here you go! Literally us and Lucifer!


You can't help yourself from staring at the portrait on the dresser in front of you. The picture frame of a very old photo of Lucifer with his former bride, no doubt their wedding day with the suit and flowy dress. You didn't want to stay in his former room, it feels wrong to be in the place he once shared with Lilith, but he insisted it was fine.

And you know what's in that little velvet box that is next to the picture. Only one thing could be in there, and you can't help your mind from wondering. Is it his ring, or hers in that box? Does he keep it close like this because he doesn't want to lose that cherished memory, like this picture?

You hear the bathroom door open, and even though you don't want to go near the former marital bed, you dash over to it to sit and wait for the king of Hell. Because you don't want him to know you've seen his picture, or the ring next to it. You're supposed to be having this important talk, not thinking about how he brought you to stay the night in his marital bed.

"Do you want to take a shower, songbird?" Lucifer asks as he walks in, towel draped around his shoulders and in a pair of low hanging plaid pajama pants. "I've got tons of soaps and shampoos in there you might like."

"No, I'm fine, Luce." You were lucky he wanted a shower, because it gave you time to calm down after the emotional bombshell Charlie threw at you earlier. "Do you have an extra set of pajamas or clothes I can wear tonight?"

Lucifer walks over to the dresser you'd just been standing at, and you watch his hand immediately shove the picture frame you'd been looking at down before opening a drawer. "I've got a little bit of everything. What would you like?"

"You choose, I'm fine with whatever." You answer before Lucifer plucks something from the drawer and walks over to you finally. The silk pajamas are cool to the touch unlike his fingers that brush yours as he passes them to you. "Do you want to talk first, or wait for me to change?"

"You can change, songbird. I'm not going anywhere." The air is tense with this talk to come. You were both fine until you got into this bedroom, then it just all became more real where you were. That you weren't just in Pride Manor, the home of the King of Hell, but the home of the royal family. Including his ex-wife.

"Turn away."

"I just saw you naked last night!"

"You weren't supposed to look, you pervy snake!" Lucifer laughs, before taking the towel off his shoulders and dropping it over his damp head to cover his eyes with. "I knew you couldn't be trusted."

"When I wanna see a nice pair of tits, no not really." You swat his thigh before standing up to change into the silk pajamas. "At least I didn't touch, be proud of me." You roll your eyes at him as you pull the shirt on, realizing it was Lucifer's own pajamas he offered when you faintly smell apples on the fabric. For some reason, you thought they'd be...

You shake your head, now isn't the time to worry about her. "You have enough pride in you, don't need it given by other people." After pulling the pants on, you reach over and pluck Lucifer's towel off his head, rolling your eyes again at the cheeky smirk on his lips.

"Don't act like you didn't look too." You drop the towel right back on his head, and he laughs because he obviously knows he has you. You're both mutually attracted to each other's bodies, but at least you had the decency to look away as soon as you realized what you were doing. Lucifer probably stared.

"Can we get back on track of why we're here, please." You ask as Lucifer pulls the towel off his head, and you feel a bit guilty at how his jovial look dims from his eyes before he nods and pats the bed beside him. "I'm sorry about freaking you out earlier, by the way."

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