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You don't want to go to work. You really don't want to go to the place where you're certain the abusive Porn Demon is waiting to finish what he started yesterday. You want to stay in your room, hidden away in the silky warmth of your bed for the day. Even if it risks Mister Vox's anger, you fear Valentino's actions more than his.

Your phone buzzes on your nightstand, the notification lighting up the darkness of your room as you roll over to look towards it. All you can see due to its brightness blinding you is that it's Sinstagram, so you roll back over in hopes to hide the day away until Mister Vox inevitably calls or texts you asking where you are.

You've not once taken a day off. You don't need to; despite the heavy workload you like to keep busy. And besides when Valentino is in the business during the daytime, work is relatively calm when you don't hear Mister Vox shouting in his office.

But Mister Vox knows you're not sick. It was his idea for you to leave work early yesterday with faux food poisoning. You have no excuse for taking a day off, and you can't use the hotel as one either because he still doesn't know you live here or that you're helping Charlie with advertising.

Your phone buzzes again, so this time you roll over and grab it off the charger to see what's bothering you this early in the morning. If it's Sinstagram, it means something might be wrong with the campaign you have going for Mister Vox.

Your heart sinks when you see this time it's a text from your boss himself. "Meet me at my desk at noon. I expect your notes from lunch yesterday, as well as an update on your outing with our annoying monarch." How does he know you were out with Lucifer? Was he watching you guys? Does that mean he knows you live here at the hotel now???

You throw your covers off you to get up and finally get ready, quickly typing a yes Mister Vox to your boss before you put your phone back on charge for a little longer.

Getting ready for your day is usually easy, but this time it comes with an itch in the back of your mind, a foreboding of what might happen today now that Valentino is escalating. As you button up your dress shirt, you walk over to the radio Alastor gifted you and turn it on in hopes it'll help ease your nerves.

A song that sounds like it belongs in the twenties begins to flow from it as you grab your black and red vest, tugging it on as you tap a foot along to the swing music playing softly in your bedroom. Despite how much of an asshole he can be, Alastor's gift is actually really nice. It may only play music that released before his died, but you happen to like older music just as much as any other.

You hear your phone start buzzing on your nightstand just as you pull on your slacks, hopping your way over and pulling your pants up the rest of the way before you grab your phone. Mister Vox's contact picture glares up at you, his charming public image that he set himself as his contact when he gave you the phone. "Yes, Mister Vox?"

"Scratch what I sent you earlier." Vox's voice already sounds irate, unusual for this early in the morning. This early in the day, he'd usually be calm and relaxed as he's still waking up and checking how his nighttime programming went. It takes you a second to hear screaming and something smashing in the background, your heart leaping into your throat when you recognize Valentino's voice in the midst of the chaos.

",,,that whore! Who does he think he is?!"

You really don't want to go to work. Especially more so now at knowing Valentino is already pissed at this hour.

"Spend the day watching the Sinstagram campaign from home and write up the minutes for yesterday's lunch. I can't have another scene like yesterday damaging our image, so you can come back to work tomorrow." Wait, he's... You don't have to go to work? You can just work from home?

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