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"Do you know why my dad keeps avoiding my mom since she got back?" You weren't expecting Charlie to be the one to start the conversation about her mom. She usually leaves questions about her dad to her dad, but instead you woke up today to a text from her.

Guess you and Lucifer chose the right day for this.

Lucifer groans, stretching his arms over his head as you faintly hear Ortho in the living room blasting cartoons on the TV. "I guess I'm not surprised, she did try asking me if I wanted to have lunch yesterday with them too on top of dinner, which I also didn't go to."

"You spent all day yesterday locked up in your tower, like some trapped princess."

"My love, I'm a king, not a princess. Just look down and you'll see the proof." You roll your eyes playfully at your half-awake little devil, pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder. "I was busy with paperwork and Ortho yesterday, it's not that I was trying to avoid her or her mom."

"I know, Lu. You can just tell Charlie that, before we let her know what's actually been going on." That essentially Lilith's been assaulting the king of Hell, because how else can you describe someone putting their hands on you without permission? Let alone taking Lucifer by his belt that day that you woke up to yelling.

You're still furious about that, you're not ready to think about it yet. How could someone who spent millennia with someone treat them like they're just an object?

"Do you have to text her back right away?" You tilt your head to the side to meet Lucifer's tired vermillion eyes staring back at you. "I'd rather start the day a bit better than this." Lucifer's warm hand slips down your side to squeeze at your waist.

"You sure about that? Wasn't it just yesterday you had to put ice on yourself after overdoing date night?" You tease, grinning back at your partner as he narrows his eyes back at you playfully for the reminder. "Are you sure you're not still sensitive?"

"Having a controller chucked at my groin didn't help, but I'm fine today."

"Aw, my poor man." Lucifer rolls his eyes at you, but's still smiling as you stroke your hand over his abdomen slowly even though you checked on him yesterday after he told you about what Ortho had done. "I feel like you're just offering this to avoid having to confront your daughter about her mom though."

Lucifer's silence that follows for a moment tells you that's exactly what he's doing. "Maybe I just want to start the day wrapped up in my lovely guardian angel girlfriend. Doesn't that sound tempting?" Lucifer purrs softly, showing why he's the most tempting man in creation once more.


"C'mon, beautiful, let me make you feel good if anything. You don't have to touch me if you're nervous about it hurting me, I'll take care of you." Lucifer rolls you onto your back, crawling over you before pressing a kiss against your pulse point on your neck.

"You know I'd never agree to that. You deserve to be pampered too if you're trying to do it for me." Lucifer chuckles hotly against your neck, grinding his morning dilemma against your thigh. "How's about this, Luce. If you get this talk with Charlie over with, I'll sit on this," You reach down to wrap your hand around his arousal, drawing a groan from his lips. "For as long as you'd like today afterwards."

"Yeah?" You know this man's weakness's by now. You remember that request a while back that couldn't be honored due to being too busy, but today after talking to Charlie is a completely empty schedule. "Fuck... you drive a hard bargain, my love."

"So, do we have a deal?" You let go of him, pressing the heel of your palm against his already tip through his boxers.

"Don't go sounding like an overlord now, that's an instant mood killer." You laugh at the joke, because it's obviously not when he's still excited against your palm. "Fine, but shower with me first? Promise I won't try anything." Lucifer presses another kiss to your neck though despite the promise.

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