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You sigh as you crawl under the silken sheets of your shared bed with Lucifer. Your skin feels softer than it ever has, courtesy of the devil himself having arranged for a quick spa day for everyone as a surprise. Pampering paid for by the king of Hell himself.

Just as you stretch out with a yawn, the bedroom door opens from outside the curtains blocking out the world around you, announcing you're no longer alone. "Coming to bed already? I thought you'd stay up half the night with Lev and Satan."

Lucifer joins you within seconds, the smell of apples strong on him as he crawls under the silky sheets and on top of you with a warm hum. Lays on you like a lazy cat.

"Are you tired or drunk?"

"Bit of both." You roll your eyes playfully at him, scratching your nails against his neck as he hums softly once more from your touch. "Thank you..."

"For what? I'm just giving you scritches you tomcat."

"For being here with me for my sins weekend." Lucifer rolls off you, stretching with a long yawn that pulls one from your own lips. You roll over, curling yourself to his side as he snaps away his clothes and presses his equally soft skin to yours. "Oh, you're soft..."

"Your imps that you hired scrubbed all of us until we're cleaner than we've ever been in Hell." Lucifer rolls back into you though, nuzzling his face against your neck as you giggle at his touchiness tonight. He's barely touched you since introducing you to Bel and Satan, he's been too busy enjoying himself.

"You smell good too..." You're just about to ask him if he's too drunk to remember the spa day, when his lips latch onto your neck and start sucking love bites into your skin. "Wanna..."

"Lu, you're drunk." Lucifer whines petulantly against your neck as you try to push him back by the chest. "You know I'm not going to let this happen if you're not sober."

"But I... you know sober I'd still wanna. Just feel me." Lucifer leans back, taking your hand from his chest to try to lead your hand down to his lap, but you stay strong and entwine your fingers with his. "Songbird..."

"Lucifer Morningstar." Lucifer groans dramatically before crawling off you and flopping down on his stomach beside you with a long, dramatic sigh. "Oh my god, you're such a big baby." You roll over, rubbing his back as he keeps his face buried in his pillows.

"You'd rather fuck Satan's son than me. You spent more time with them than me tonight." By God, this man is such a manchild at times...

"Whose bed am I laying in right now, Lucifer?" Lucifer doesn't answer at first, so you push his shirt up his back to rub at his bare skin. "You were busy with your fellow sins, love. You hardly spent time with me, but I don't assume that means you'd want someone else more than me." Besides, Satan Junior doesn't make you feel even a fraction of what Lucifer does.

"I wanna keep making you feel good, my love..."

"I do feel good, Luce. You've been spoiling all of us rotten all night, but you have to be sober if you want me to spoil you like that." That's your hard limit with him, and he knows this. He's accepted it in the past, the only reason he isn't right now is because he's had a few too many fizzy apples.

"It's because this is my former marital bed, isn't it?" You blink down at him, because you hadn't even thought about that. It is true, you haven't been intimate in this bed before. He kissed you, and you him, but that's the furthest you've gone in this bed. "Wanna say fuck you to her... Make love to you here. Make this ours."

Your tongue sours at the idea, because you don't want something so intimate as your time with Lucifer to have underlying thoughts of his ex. You don't want him to think of anyone but you, when you're together. "Is that what you were trying to do? Flip off your memories of her in this bed with you by making another with me?"

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