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You watch as Lucifer angrily throws his tie somewhere in the room, kicking his boots off loudly onto the floor as he pulls his feet up onto the bed and drags his hands through his messy hair. "She really thinks she can convince Charlie against continuing the dream she literally fought off Adam and his exorcists to protect?" You ask as you crawl over to kneel behind Lucifer, massaging his tense shoulders.

"I'm not going to let her. Charlies never worked harder for anything in her whole life. This is her dream; this is her attempt to help sinners. Fuck, I would have thought Lilith would be proud since she always preached to Charlie about doing anything for her people." You pull Lucifer's hands out of his hair before he can potentially start pulling hair out.

"Breathe, love." Lucifer leans back into you, his back pressing against your chest as he takes a few deep breaths, letting you fix his hair back to its usual perfection. "Do you honestly trust her that there's actually fallen exorcists down here? Wouldn't you have noticed?"

"I've been a bit preoccupied." Lucifer reminds, winking up at you as you scoot back and let him lay his head on your thighs. "It's different though. A fallen angel hasn't died before falling down the pit, they just fall. It takes someone extremely powerful to revive a soul, much less a soul as powerful as an angel. I don't want to believe her, but I can't deny I'm suspicious if she's right because of Adam and how quiet Heaven has been." That's true, someone had to bring Adam back. He died by angelic steel, as Charlie says there's no coming back from that.

"But why revive fallen exorcists? Adam, it makes sense. He's higher on the political chain, he's the first human who started all of humanity. But exorcists are just everyday angels who signed onto Adam's cause, they're foot soldiers." They're supposed to be waiting for Michael's call to arms in the case of a Heavenly war... Expendables, unfortunately.

"I need to try to reach out to Heaven. As much as I don't want to, because I hate talking with them, I need to know what's going on. I need to know if what Lilith says is true, so I know if I need to prepare to defend my daughter." So, he knows if he needs to prepare for war...

"Does Charlie know any of this? Did Lilith tell her any of what she told you?"

"No, she wanted me to handle it." She wanted Lucifer to be the bad guy saying no to their daughter. How fucking scummy of her, especially after abandoning her daughter for eight years. "I'm tempted to discuss it with her, because Charlie and I discuss everything now since we've been working on our relationship."

"Do it, Lu. You know Charlie would be devastated if she knew her parents were hiding something this important from her." She treasures their communication more than even Lucifer. She has a right to know that she might have a bigger target on her back than she realized due to the battle at Hazbin and the attempts at redeeming sinner souls.

"I know, I know. I just... don't want to ruin her relationship with her mom. She's so happy that she's back, I don't want to ruin this for her. She deserves a relationship with her mom." But she doesn't deserve a relationship with a mom who's hiding things from her and using her dad as a scapegoat to push her wants on Charlie.

"Lucifer." Lucifer sits up, turning to you as you scoot further into the bed. He trades places with you, lying on his back in the pillows and letting you lie on his chest. "Are you really willing to risk the relationship you've worked so hard for with your daughter to make sure she has one to the mom that abandoned her? Charlie's a grown woman, she can make her own decisions. She can handle hard truths and truths about lies she's been fed." Lucifer's lips purse into a frown as he leans his head back against the headboard.

"I know." He's just not happy about it. "I don't want to lose my Charlie's trust. I just... I don't want to do this while Lilith's here, I don't want to ruin her time with her right now."

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