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You for a change wake up to something besides an alarm clock or a mischievous little devil nuzzling his face against the back of your neck. When you went to bed last night, you knew going into today that it was going to be a hectic day.

But you weren't expecting to wake up to something wet against the back of your neck, and fidgeting against the sheets that drew you out of sleep earlier than usual.

You roll over, brushing a strand of damp hair out of Lucifer's sleeping face, only to flinch away when he suddenly jerks away and his tail that had been wrapped around your calf rips away with such force it would have cut you if he could.

You catch Lucifer as he jerks forward, his hyperventilating setting your nerves on edge as you sit up with him and wrap your arms around him. "You're okay, Lu." You whisper softly as he breathes heavily, recognizing now what was going on.

Lucifer must have been having a nightmare, and you probably scared him awake by touching his face.

Lucifer's hand that had been fisted into his hair nearly painfully tight let's go and instead finds your own on his stomach, squeezing gently around you. "S-sorry, songbird." You didn't know Lucifer still had nightmares, let alone ones that leave him like this.

He's shared that he used to have nightmares about his ex, about when she left him. But he said he hasn't had a nightmare in months, so to see him like this must mean it was bad. "It's okay, love. It was just a nightmare." You pull yourself closer to Lucifer, ignoring the sweat because what matters is making sure he feels safe. That he knows that nightmare wasn't real, and that he's okay.

Lucifer wraps his arms around you as well, leading you back into the bed and spooning himself against your back as he had been just a minute ago. "Thank you, my love." You squeeze his hand against your stomach, turning your head to meet him in a kiss. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"You didn't scare me, Luci. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I wasn't sure if you were sick or if you were having a nightmare until you shot up." Lucifer nuzzles his face against your neck once more, taking a deep breath that makes you feel better for him a little because he's obviously calming down now. "Do you want to talk about it? Would that help?"

"Not right now, beautiful. I'm sorry, I just... I just want to lay here and cuddle with you for now."

"That's okay, Lu. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I just was offering if it would help. We can cuddle as long as you want." You'll do whatever you can to help him forget whatever nightmare left your powerful devil so distraught like this. You feel horrible for him that this is how his day is going to start, but you'll help make the day better.

"Thank you, my love." You squeeze his hand again before settling back in to relax with your poor devil.


Lucifer feels like shit. He hasn't felt this low in a long time, and he knows he doesn't have time for this, but his mind has never been kind with nightmares or memories of his past with his ex-wife or his ex-family.

Why did he have to dream of his fucking brother? Why did he have to relive being dragged out the golden gates and literally thrown from Heaven's gates by his own brother? By the one person who was supposed to stand by him always, but turned on him in an instant?

Lucifer drags his tail up his songbird's calf, happy she fell back asleep. He doesn't think he can sleep anymore though. It's already light out, he knows they went to bed late last night, but he just can't stand possibly going back to that nightmare of his brother's eyes that he once mirrored glaring back at him before he threw him.

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