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"Lucifer Morningstar, pleasure to finally be meeting the girl my daughter has been slaving over a snow globe for!"

Despite what you had heard from others about the King of Hell, nothing could live up to a true meeting with the man himself. Angel referred to him as Short King, which would have led one to believe him not as intimidating as one would assume learning about the man that fell from Hell. But no, that's not true at all, he's still intimidating.

Standing in front of you, he's still a good head shorter than his daughter, but he stands tall with pride and a face splitting grin of sharp, whining white teeth. Smiling despite the fact he had been caught just a short time prior with his literal pants down by his own daughter and a stranger. His immaculate white and red suit looked better befitting a ringmaster than a King, but it no less looked fitting for him.

"It's nice to meet you as well, Mister Morningstar." You tentatively reached a hand for his own outstretched one, warm gloved fingers taking your own into an exuberant shake that felt like it reached your bones. How you could feel his warmth through the leather, you weren't sure, but it was a stark contrast to the otherwise cold greetings you'd gotten elsewhere in Hell.

"Lucifer, please. We're in Hell, there's no need for formality anymore." Lucifer gave your hand one last squeeze before letting go and let his hand join his other atop his apple topped cane. Glancing up at the top hat he now wore to cover the messed platinum blond hair you saw before, you noticed that too had an apple on it as well as a snake. Well, he's certainly proud to have memorabilia of the reason for why he was cast into Hell in the first place...

"How do you like the snow globe?" Charlie blocked your vision of the King, excited red eyes waiting eagerly for your response.

"It's beautiful! You must have worked so hard on it, I love it, thank you!" You squeezed the globe still in hand, before a gloved hand reached past Charlie and plucked it from your hand with ease.

Lucifer held it in his hand with his vermillion eyes glowing with pride at the snow globe. "Isn't it beautiful? My little apple pie is a beautiful craftsman just like her father!" Lucifer gushed, handing it back to you carefully to instead take his daughter's face in hand and squeeze her cheek affectionately.


"What???" Lucifer looked like he had been slapped with the pout he dawned when Charlie pried his hand off her cheek, rubbing at her slightly redder skin where he'd been pinching her. "Can't I be proud of my daughter? I am the sin of pride for a reason."

"It's not like it's half of the stuff you make, Dad."

"That doesn't make it any less wonderful." You never would have pinned Lucifer as a doting, affectionate father. One that pinches his daughter's cheeks and hugs her the way he was doing so eagerly. It warmed your heart to know that even in Hell there was that dynamic, and you were happy for Charlie to know she had that kind of relationship as she worked hard and deserved all the support she could get.

"Aren't you going to apologize for what we had to see earlier?" Charlie changed the subject when Lucifer kept pinching her cheeks and hugging her.

"What did you see?" The flat response was a stark difference to the doting father of seconds prior, showing you that he was a multi-faceted man.

"Dad." Charlie narrowed her eyes on him, but Lucifer's expression didn't falter.

"I think," Vaggie interrupted the stare down between father and daughter. "We should get going, it's late and I know I want to get to bed soon. Don't you?" Vaggie nudged you in the ribs with an elbow, giving you an out if you wanted it.

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