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"Luce, what do you need from Oz for this weekend?" You ask as you walk into his workshop, where he's been pouring over paperwork all morning. You promised you'd handle inviting Oz and whatever he needs, since Oz is the only sin whose phone number you have.

"Hm?" Charlie's right, he does look like an old businessman who needs a holiday today. You thought she was exaggerating but seeing him hunched over his desk in his vest and with papers scattered everywhere and wearing cute reading glasses, you can see it.

"Asmodeus, love." You walk over to him, pushing some stray hairs out of his face as he looks up at you with a tired look in his eye. This explains why he bailed on trying to get Adam out of the hotel today and yesterday, he's swamped in work. "Why haven't you let me help you with this?" You point to a stack of papers stamped with Envy's sigil.

"You're busy helping Charlie with that new campaign for the hotel." True, but you've already finished with it. "And trying to get the big baby out of his... fuck, we were supposed to do that together." Lucifer tugs at his hair, so you reach over and pull his hands out of his hair.

"You're busy, mister king of Hell. Don't worry about that, let me help. What do you need Oz to bring this weekend?"

"I need one of his crystals and whatever he can think to bring that will keep Mammon from being an ass to Fizzarolli." Oh, that'll be fun to figure out. Since you've heard that feud is still going strong.

"Okay. Anything you need from Charlie or I?"

"No, you're both perfect, thank you for helping with Oz." You don't step away even though Lucifer is right back to reading without another glance at you. "Did you need something?"

"I think you need a break, Luci." You brush his hair out of his face once again when he looks up at you. "You realize it's past noon, right? You've been in here six hours poring over papers non-stop."

"I'm fine, my love. I'm just doing a little extra work for the other six rings so that they'll have the time to come up and visit this weekend." So, that's why he's been so busy each day. He's doing the other sin's work to make sure they have more free time for this weekend.

"Let me help you, Lu. You don't need to do this all alone." He shouldn't feel the need to do his sin's jobs for them for the reward of them spending time with him. Spending time together shouldn't be a contractual obligation.

"You're busy--"

"I'm not too busy to help you, handsome." You're never too busy for Lucifer. "Let me help, or let me at least run you a bath to soak and relax if you won't let me help you with this paperwork."

"That sounds amazing, actually. But I'd prefer it at the manor and with you joining me." You roll your eyes playfully at him as he takes off his reading glasses, folds them before rubbing at his eyes with his hands.

"Since when do you wear glasses, Luce?"

"I don't really need them, but it helps me so I don't get a migraine reading all this shit all day." You move behind his chair, reaching down and rubbing his shoulders for him as he snaps away a pile of finished papers. He leans back into your touch, tilting his head back to look up at you. "How's the new advertising going for the hotel?"

"It's good, there's been a lot of interest on Sinstagram because of the knowledge that the first man is living here." Lucifer rolls his eyes, looking back down at his desk. "Others are interested because of the news of a free room. Charlie's currently giving a tour to some sinners with Vaggie and Alastor right now." Hence why you had time to come up and check on your workaholic partner.

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