Chapter 81 [Pregnancy]

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◎ It’s not like I’d throw up when I saw him, or I’d be sad enough to cry. ◎

In the main room, Chairman You, who had not tasted the taste of his hometown for a long time, had an appetite so much that he didn’t even bother to drink. He just hugged the sea bowl and ate hard.

Su Weimin's eyes grew hot when he looked at it. He looked at the small bowl in his hand, and then at the big pot of braised pork rib noodles. He only regretted that he had a small belly and couldn't eat much. Otherwise, it would be three bowls of noodles, but he was helpless. Now, He is full.

"Let's have another piece of pork ribs."

Luo Yuxiu saw that Su Weimin was full, but she was afraid of embarrassing Chairman You, so she held up her chopsticks and picked up a piece of pork ribs, thinking about letting him chew it slowly.

Or if we are an old couple, tacit understanding is enough.

When the ribs arrived in the bowl, Su Weimin put down his chopsticks and started chewing on the bones.

Chairman You did not forget to ridicule: "The relationship between you two is as good as ever. It's good to show the younger generation what it means to be a loving couple."

"You should stop saying a few words, it's disrespectful to the elderly. "Luo Yuxiu has always been unforgiving. As soon as Chairman You teased her, she immediately rolled her eyes.

Chairman You laughed "hehehe" and was not offended by Luo Yuxiu at all.

On the contrary, this kind of Luo Yuxiu was the Luo Yuxiu he was familiar with. When Su Weihai married his first daughter-in-law a few years ago, Luo Yuxiu pretended to be a serious mother-in-law. Not to mention that he was not used to it. I guess even Lao Su was not used to it. At that time, he I feel like Luo Yuxiu will have problems sooner or later.

No, in just a few years, they gave birth to two children, and the young couple still got divorced.

Divorce was still a rare thing these days, and there was a lot of discussion in the factory at that time, with many people gossiping behind my back.

Now that Luo Yuxiu's three sons are married, she is still in such a lively mood. Chairman You thinks it's good, especially when he saw Su Weiqing's wife just now, her eyes were clear, and she was talking and laughing with Luo Yuxiu in the kitchen.

If the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is good, the marriage will be more than half done.

After three bowls of noodles, Chairman You couldn't help but lean on the sofa and hum: "I haven't had such a smooth meal for a long time, and I didn't drink much wine. It's really cheap for you, an old guy. Moutai will save you money."

"Oops, all you have to do is braise the noodles. My Moutai wine won't be cheap for you, an old wine bug. "

"I have a big belly to eat, and one day I will carry all your good things into my belly, and it will be too late to make you cry."

Su Weimin was arguing with Chairman You while leaning on the sofa next to him.

The two are old partners. Before they were assigned to the pharmaceutical factory, they were also comrades in the same team. Later, the two of them arrived at the pharmaceutical factory together. From the time when they were young and unmarried until now, they have been the best partners. Therefore, he spoke without any scruples and had great trust in the other party. This kind of trust was something that even Director Yang did not have.

"How is the situation over there?" Su Weimin raised his chin in the direction of the provincial capital.

As soon as Xu Xinlan's matter was confirmed, it was immediately taken over by the provincial capital. For so many days, Su Weimin didn't get any news. At this time, Chairman You came back, so he must have gotten inside information.

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