Chapter 152 [Interrogation]

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◎ If He Tang killed her because of the system in her previous life, that would be too unlucky ◎

"System? What system?"

Yang Xiao was keenly aware of the flaw in He Tang's words. This was the first time This is the first time I heard a term other than 'Li Shan' from He Tang's mouth. Previously, He Tang was just like Xiang Lin's wife. No matter who came to interrogate him, his answer would always be: "I want to see Li Shan."

This made Yang Xiao very angry.

Li Shan was stunned when she heard the word "system", but she reacted quickly. After all, He Tang's hand was very strong and squeezed her arm. The pain instantly made her scream at the top of her lungs.

As soon as Yang Xiao heard this voice, he subconsciously raised his hand and hit He Tang's arm.


He Tang let go in pain.

In fact, it was because I was so shocked that I lost all my energy.

"What do you mean? What do you mean she doesn't have a system?" He Tang no longer cared about his secret being discovered. He was now in a deep panic.

If Li Shan did not have a system, his system would not be replenished with energy, and there would be no way to help him find the body of a foreigner. He would not be able to change his appearance and live a good life, but could only live in this dilapidated body. Inside, facing state censorship and eventually dying...

[How do I know! 】

The system is also very panicked.

When it defected, it clearly saw Li Shan's golden name at the top of the list. The cub raising system responsible for Li Shan also spoke on the webcast, saying that it had a discerning eye and chose Li Shan from thousands of choices. In fact It proved that Li Shan lived up to its expectations and successfully graduated. Although he did not get full marks for every task, he at least got excellent marks.

At that time, its eighteenth host had just been sentenced to death for killing the mission target in the mission world.

In order to prevent itself from entering a small black room and being imprisoned for a century, it directly chose to defect, enter Li Shan's native world, and chose the dying He Tang as its host, just to devour Li Shan's system, obtain the system number, change its appearance, and start from scratch.

But now?

Who can tell it why Li Shan doesn’t have it! have! Tie! System!

Their systems can only be brought with them at birth or bound after death. In order to cultivate the relationship between the system and the host, the system generally chooses to follow the host from the embryonic stage until the host dies before it truly starts to perform tasks. But now Li Shan There is no system on the body, that is to say, the damn cub-raising system deceived it. It was not born and raised with Li Shan at all, but was bound to Li Shan after his death!

Li Shan covered his arm and was supported by Yang Xiao in some pain. His face was full of surprise and uncertainty: "He, what happened to him? What is the system?" She looked at Yang Xiao, as if waiting for his help to explain.

But how could Yang Xiao know?

He is just an ordinary investigator, he doesn't know anything about the system, and...

He stared at He Tang, who looked crazy, but nothing happened. Even He Tang, who had a rosy face, could not help but frown: "Looking at him like this, Are you feeling well?"

"Yes, it looks like that to me."

The interrogator, who was also frightened and remained silent, nodded repeatedly.

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