Chapter 65 [Doubt]

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◎ Is there something wrong with Xu Xinlan...? ◎

Due to the good efficacy of Pudilan, although it is not a specific drug for chickenpox, this drug has a wider range of applications. It can treat headaches, brain fever, disinfection and anti-inflammation. This kind of granules can be distributed by certain pharmaceutical companies. More importantly, the ingredients of this drug are It is safe, even if used by children, there is no need to worry about serious side effects.

Of course, parents these days can’t think of any side effects, as long as they are effective.

They are even more happy that the medicine is sweet. Although it is bitter and sweet, it is acceptable to children. This greatly facilitates parents in giving medicine to their children.

At least I don't have to give medicine like a fight.

After about a month, the number of chickenpox patients in Baima County has finally been eliminated.

However, the Pudilan production line of the pharmaceutical factory cannot be stopped, because chickenpox outbreaks have begun to occur in other cities one after another. They are producing day and night, just to produce Pudilan as quickly as possible and send it to the front line in the epidemic area. go.

Also because of the rapid production and powerful efficacy of Pudilan, the pharmaceutical factory had already registered its name with the provincial leaders before the first quarter was over. It was impossible for an advanced unit to escape.

Although the Baima County magistrate was punished for his over-the-level report, the province has allocated resources to the county and allocated special funds to widen and renovate the road from Baima County to the provincial capital. It seems that there is hope for a road from the county to the county. The road turns to the market road.

In name, it facilitates the transportation of pharmaceutical companies, but in reality, everyone knows very well.

The city was excited about the money allocated by the province, but this money was earmarked exclusively for road construction. Leaders from other counties and towns had been sitting on the bench for many days, but they could not make any money from this money. Come on a dime.

As for the county magistrate of Baima County, he really made his mouth crooked when he smiled.

What a punishment!

It doesn’t matter if it’s not painful or itchy, getting benefits is the most important thing.

The pharmaceutical company is also happy, no, the pharmaceutical company is in pain and happy.

The task goals for the first quarter were set long ago, but Pudilan production was suddenly interrupted. The original goals still needed to be completed. The pharmaceutical factory workers immediately joined the overtime army. Su Weimin sympathized with the workers' hard work and asked the canteen to prepare dinner according to lunch standards.

There are meat, vegetables and staple food.

The workers were even more energetic. At this time, Li Lin came to the door, hoping that Li Shan could accompany her to the hospital. Li Shan was also shocked by Li Lin: "Why is your belly so big?" I'm only two months pregnant, and my belly is already a little bulging.

Of course, it's not that exaggerated bulge, but it's as if she has gained weight, with her belly bulging. But today's lesbians are rarely fat. Even Wu Li, the beauty of the era mentioned by Li Shan, only has a round face and a small figure. She is a bodybuilder, and it is normal for her to be thin like this.

Li Lin is a little rounder than her, but she is also a thin lesbian, so that her belly is obvious.

"I don't know either. Our line leader said it might be twins." Li Lin's face turned a little pale. Ever since her belly started to grow, some people had doubted the month of her pregnancy. She knew in her heart that she was with her husband after receiving the certificate. But when it came to those gossips, she seemed to be indiscreet.

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