Chapter 160 [Ending]

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◎ He felt that Li Shan was already very kind if he didn't add insult to injury to Li Cong. ◎

Li Zhu is back!

The news spread throughout the entire factory in less than half an hour.

It's not that someone deliberately publicized it, but she started it herself. As early as the year she left, the factory had exchanged land with the Public Security Bureau.

The original cadre courtyard had all been bulldozed and built into a public security police room. The office used to get close to the people and handle their daily affairs is directly separated from Yan Anguo and his criminal team. It is more approachable and can get closer to the people.

Li Zhu could no longer live in the countryside and wanted to come back to ask for forgiveness from her parents, then take over their job and stay in the city.

But who would have thought that she couldn't even enter the factory door.

She sat right in front of the factory and started crying and making a fuss. Finally, her neighbor Sun Lifen came forward to take her in. Of course, she looked down on Tong Ling. If Director Liu hadn't been afraid of making too much noise, she wouldn't have cared about this nosy matter. Woolen cloth.

After the small courtyard was bulldozed, Director Liu and Zhang Qingdong re-selected a house. It was a new cadre building with two floors. The first floor occupied the courtyard downstairs, and the second floor occupied the top floor. of flat top.

Director Liu's house is still on the first floor, and he and Zhang Qingdong are still neighbors.

They all have a small yard. Zhang Qingdong's house is now closed and locked. I don't know if he is deliberately avoiding people or if he is really not at home.

The further Li Zhu walked, the stranger he became, and the further he walked, the heavier his heart became.

"Auntie, where is my dad?"

She still remembered that when she left, her dad was still a mechanic in the factory. She just couldn't stand her parents' favoritism, so she secretly signed up for Li Cong to go to the countryside. I haven't contacted my family all these years because I felt guilty, but who knew that when I came back again, the guard would say that there was no such person as Li Hongjun in the factory?

How is this possible?

"Zhuzhu, your family's affairs... are quite complicated. Just listen to my aunt and tell you slowly."

Li Zhu nodded, looking at Sun Lifen's expression, her heart sank a little.

She always felt that the truth of the matter was not what she wanted to hear.

"Just tell me, aunt, I can bear it."

"Hey... not two days after you left, your dad reported your sister and uncle. Your eldest sister is smart and went there after graduating from high school. After taking the job exam, I was admitted first. Later, I was attracted by the deputy director of the factory and married the deputy director’s younger son. Your father didn’t know about this, so he thought your sister’s job was It was her uncle who arranged it..."

Sun Lifen told Li Zhu the details of her original grudges.

The more Li Zhu listened, the paler her face became. She had never imagined that Li Hongjun could be so stupid as to give up a good formal job and return to his hometown in the countryside in despair.

Then why is she coming back?

They are also in rural areas. In Anhui Province, she still has a husband, children, and her own home, but what about here?

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