Chapter 41 [Meeting]

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◎This is a standard model figure! ◎

Su Weiping didn’t know what her third sister-in-law was feeling in her heart.

She was as happy as a little bird letting herself fly, hovering around Luo Yuxiu, chirping and saying this, both her expression and her tone of voice were full of joy.

If he hadn't known that she had traveled through time, Li Shan would have felt that she had grown up next to Luo Yuxiu since she was a child.

So familiar, so natural.

This made Li Shan curious. Where did the original Su Weiping go? Did she die or have her body swapped? Li Shan had read many novels in which the reasons for time travel were all kinds of strange. Li Shan, who met the real traveler for the first time, looked at Su Weiping with curiosity in his eyes.

However, curiosity is curiosity, and what needs to be done is still done.

For example, introduce Luo Yuxiu and Guo Xiaoting to each other.

"Her second aunt, Shanshan is a good kid. She is serious and hard-working. She got admitted to a pharmaceutical factory on her own and got first place in the exam. Now she works in the technical department, which is one of the best departments in our factory and belongs to the core. Department." Luo Yuxiu took Guo Xiaoting's hand and praised Li Shan.

Guo Xiaoting was indeed in a good mood, and her voice was full of smiles: "I have five sisters, Lao Zhang, and this is her niece. We are also happy for her that she can have such a future."

"Isn't that right?"

Luo Yuxiu said about this. She felt deeply: "Children are debts. Seeing them make progress makes me happier than anything else."

Especially after the policy was released a few days ago, she felt happy more than once when she saw the strong words on it.

I'm glad my son is a 'love brain'.

Of course, Luo Yuxiu still doesn't know what a 'love brain' is, but that doesn't stop her from being happy. Precisely because her youngest son is a 'love brain', after discovering that her favorite lesbian is a motivated person, she immediately adjusted her attitude and changed her attitude. Gotta get better.

Before the policy was decentralized, I was admitted to a pharmaceutical company, had a formal job, and got married successfully.

This state of stacked buffs gave Luo Yuxiu a double sense of peace of mind.

It is precisely because of this peace of mind that Luo Yuxiu has been looking at Li Shan with a filtered look recently: "Her second aunt, I really like this kid Shanshan. Sometimes I wonder what kind of high fever did that kid of mine have in his last life? It’s so sweet that you can find such a good wife. “

Oh, this is too much praise.

Guo Xiaoting also wanted to brag about each other's business, but her nephew and son-in-law didn't come. She had never met him, so she had no material to brag about.

So she looked around and simply praised Su Weiping: "Wei Ping is also very sensible and has good skills in cutting clothes. Last time she helped make performance clothes for the primary school, which made our military district primary school a big hit. "

"Cut clothes?"

Now it was Luo Yuxiu's turn to be confused.

Why didn't she remember that Su Weiping knew how to cut clothes?

Su Weiping, who had been following her, couldn't help but panicked, and then quickly explained: "It's not difficult to cut clothes, you can do it just by looking at it."

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