Chapter 164 [Going Home]

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◎ made him feel like a wanderer returning home. ◎

Since the couple entered college, their elders have become more trustworthy in what they said.

There are many hidden benefits brought by academic qualifications, especially the right to speak. After Zhang Zhuri hung up the phone, he kept the matter of buying a house in his heart.

He did not tell Fan Qin, but spent the whole night tossing and turning over by himself. Secondly, Early in the morning, he went to the Public Security Bureau and found Yan Anguo. This brother-in-law had always been the most knowledgeable in the family, and he was willing to listen to his opinions.

Yan Anguo and Zhang Hongmei have two sons. They used to live in the public security compound. The house used to look quite big, but as the children grew up, the house seemed to get smaller and gradually became insufficient.

When Zhang Zhuri explained his plans, Yan Anguo was immediately moved.

"ShanShan said that?" he asked Zhang Zhuri.

"I guess those in the capital feel particularly deeply. We are far away from the capital. Even if there are any policies that come to us, they will have already started to implement them in the capital. I think what Shanshan said is quite right. The children are older and we are older. We can't just keep them together as we did when they were young, and we should divide them into separate homes early, so that those who stay in the home will become enemies. Dare you think so."

Yan Anguo felt that what Zhang Zhuri said was very reasonable. When the children are older, they all have their own little secrets. Let's divide them into rooms. There are few rooms at home and there is not enough room to divide them. Let's not divide them into rooms.

When the two brothers are good, they are like one person, but sometimes When we are at odds, we also wish we could keep out of sight and keep our heads to the back when we walk. Especially now that the college entrance examination is resumed, the family has also paid a lot more attention to their children's studies.

The older one needs space to study, but the younger one is still ignorant...

"You're right, I have a day off tomorrow, so let's go look at the house together." Yan Anguo took a long drag on his cigarette and made up his mind. said.

Although there is still a room in their room in the Yan family's mansion, Yan Anguo has no plans to go back. After all, it is too small. They share a small courtyard. His brothers and brothers all live in it. After they get married, there will be My child, we are really short on a place to live.

Of course, he won't let go of the room assigned to him. They are all children of the Yan family. He doesn't want it, and he should get what he deserves. There must be no less.

Thinking of the last time he went home, his two nephews actually broke open their door and locked it. Yan Anguo was rude and kicked him out without saying anything. He also said that he had lost hundreds of dollars and would go to jail if he was dishonest, this is what shocked people.

"Okay, I just happened to have some money saved." Zhang Zhuri was also cheerful. He made up his mind and didn't think about anything else. He took Yan Anguo's call and called Zhang Zhuben and told him about the matter, Zhang Zhuben is naturally willing to have a foothold in his hometown.

As Li Shan said, you can't live with relatives when you get old. You still have to have your own place.

In this way, Zhang Xinmin didn't ask any questions among the brothers.

"I'm afraid the third child's family is having some difficulties." Zhang Zhuri was worried.

Chen Fen's family is getting better now. After all, everyone is a teacher. However, the family's financial background is weak. Chen Fen is used to worrying about it and often helps out. In addition, the couple has two children. Their life is not bad, but absolutely No money to buy a yard or anything.

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