Chapter 14 [Getting Angry]

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◎ A look of misfortune shrouded in dark clouds. ◎

Tong Ling has no regrets about plotting against Li Shan.

As the saying goes, 'If you don't do it for yourself, heaven will punish you and the earth will destroy you'.

She didn't want to make excuses for herself. Frankly speaking, she did it just for that job and the house she lived in now.

Tong Ling has not forgotten that when Mrs. Li asked someone to go to her house to propose marriage, she promised this job. As for the house...she has lived in it for more than ten years, shouldn't it belong to her?

She was a young girl, married to a second marriage, and left behind a mess. She didn't complain at all, and she gave birth to a pair of twins for Lao Li's family. She deserved this job and this house!

As for Li Shan...

she never said she would treat this girl well from the beginning. Even Mrs. Li said directly that after she got married, this girl would be up to her to do whatever she wanted.

The only thing she miscalculated was that this girl's maternal uncles were all capable of doing it.

So when she failed to show off her skills, her mother-in-law found out, and let the girl escape from her hands. She thought that this girl was raised to be submissive, but who would have thought that this girl would actually pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, pretending to be a pig? He looks very honest, but in fact he is full of tricks.

Thinking of this, Tong Ling felt extremely distressed.

Now that her job is gone and her house is almost lost, she has to settle down even if she is restless.

Looking at her crying and heartbroken daughter, Tong Ling clenched her fists.

She will never give up easily.

Since she can't do it as a stepmother, she should find someone who is qualified to take care of her. Calculate the days. The New Year will be in less than a month. By then, their whole family will have to go back to the village to spend the New Year with Mr. Li. She has to think carefully. How can I make Mrs. Li fall in love with Li Shan?

It would be better to marry Li Shan back to the village and never come to the county town! On the second day of  monthly holiday, Zhang Zhuri took a leave to visit relatives in the countryside.

Although the Zhang family moved to the county town, their ancestors were actually poor peasants. Li Shan's grandfather, Zhang Rudong, joined the army and fought in the war. Although he did not make any major achievements worthy of a book, he became a company commander and organized He even introduced him to a like-minded wife.

It can be seen from the names of the Zhang brothers that Mr. Zhang Rudong has a certain angry youth temperament.

Later, when the State of China was established, the couple changed jobs and returned to their hometown to become workers to participate in construction. Only then did the family transform from farmers to workers. This family became workers, but the other brothers were still farming in the countryside.

Therefore, there are relatives in most of the village in Zhangjia. If ancestral genealogy was not respected now, Zhang Rudong's deeds would definitely be written down in a big book.

Zhang Zhuri went back to the village to ask if there was any game meat to make bacon, and planned to send it to Comrade Zhang Zhuben, the second income earner in Zhangjia Village. Several cousins ​​directly contributed their own old stocks, and they didn't even want the money.

Zhang Zhuri refused to eat for free, and finally his uncle told Ai Ai that there was no shortage of food in the village, but there was a shortage of industrial tickets.

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