2. Oh Make Me Over!

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I walked into my hotel room and fell down onto the bed. I had been poked by atleast a hundred or so needles that day. I was tired beyond tired after standing around for 8 hours. I sat up on the bed and reached inside my purse for my phone. I sent Frances a text.

"Just got to the hotel. I'll be ready in about an hour."

I had been texting Frances all day and we were getting along surprisingly well. We had gone for lunch and then gone shopping to get outfits for tonight before she dropped me back off at the studio. Her husband Isaiah was in a band called The Eeries and they were gonna be performing at the party we were going to. I put my phone on the bed, stood up and walked into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and heard my phone go off. I ran to the bed and picked up my phone. A text message.

"K I'll be there in an hour."

(An Hour Later)

I walked out of the bathroom with my hair curled and most of my make up done when the hotel phone rang. I walked voer and picked it up.

"Hello," I said.

"There's a young woman here to see you Miss Lane. Shall I send her up or tell her to wait for you?" asked the man on the phone.

"Send her up please."

"Right away Miss Lane."

I hung up the phone and walked back into the bathroom to do my eye shadow. Just as I was finishing a knock came from the door. I walked over to it and opened it to see Frances there.

"Wow that looks better on you then it did on the hanger," Frances said as she walked into my room.

"Thanks. You look great. I just have to put on mascara and lipstick and I'm ready," I responded as I closed the door and walked back into the bathroom to finish my make up.

"Thanks and don't worry take your time. Isaiah is already at the party setting up so we have time. So random question, any certain celebrities you hope to meet while your in town?" Frances asked as I finished my mascara.

I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror. What am I going to say to her? Should I tell her I want to meet Krist, Dave, Pat, and pretty much every other celeb I wanted to secretly meet? I picked up my lipstick and decided not to tell her.

"Oh no one in paticular. I'll be lucky if I get to meet anyone famous," I responded.

Frances walked over to the bathroom and stood there watching me apply my lipstick.

"Well I only asked because there may be some there at the party."

"There done. How do I look?" I asked as I put my lipstick in my purse and turned to face Frances.

"Like a movie star," she responded with a giggle.

"Great now let's go get drunk and have fun," I exclaimed and we headed towards the door, not knowing what was about to happen.

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