16. I Found My Family

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"So why did you ask me to leave Lynz's early?" Frances asked as we flipped through racks of clothes.

"Well I haven't been feeling that great lately. I thought it was because of traveling and not sleeping much. So I went to the Dr today and it turns out I'll be two months pregnant in 2 days," I responded.

"Wait what?"

"Ya. That's what I said when the Dr told me."

"Oh my god!"

"Ya, say that for the next 2 hours and you'll be about where I am right now," I said as I pulled out a cute little dress.

"Try that one. It looks like it suits your personality," Frances responded. We walked towards the fitting rooms. When I got inside, Frances asked, "Are you gonna tell him?"

"I'll wait til the 15th. No need to ruin his birthday. Can you go grab me the other one I saw earlier please? I forgot I needed one for his birthday party," I asked.

"Ya sure,' she responded. A minute later she was back. "I got it."

I walked out in the dress I had picked out. It was a red dress with spaghetti straps and flowers on it. It came just above my knees and was flowly, just the way I liked my dresses.

"Wow!" Frances exclaimed. "Get it. My treat."

"No please let me get it," I responded.

"Please. You didn't let me get you what I wanted to get you for your birthday so please let me get this for you?" Frances asked.

"Fine but the other one is my treat for myself. I'm getting both," I said as I walked back into the dressuing to change back into my clothes.

We paid and headed home. We picked up chinese on the way home. I texted Hunter and asked him if he could come home early and he said yes. I also texted Taylor and Tyler and asked them both to come over. Both said yes.

Once everyone was there around the kitchen table, I stood up from ymchair and cleared my thoart.

"I got some news today and you three guys can't tell anyone unless I say so," I said.

"Are you dying?" Hunter asked.

"No but I feel like I am," I responded.

Taylor just stared at me while Tyler spoke up, "Did someone else die?"

I shook my head no.

"Brittany, how long have you been getting sick for?" Taylor asked. I guess Dave had talked to him.

"Almost two months."

"Are you pregnant?" Taylor asked. My response was bursting into tears. Taylor stood up and hugged me. Tyler, Hunter and Frances all joined in on the hug. Tyler was the first to pull away.

"Wait are you gonna leave us like Marcie?" he asked as the others pulled away from the hug.

"Fuck no. We're a fmaily. You guys are my brothers and I'm your sister, right?" I asked.

"I'm so freaking excited," Tyler said as he hugged me again. "I'm gonna spoil this baby. I'm gonna be the best uncle ever."

"I want god father," Taylor said.

"Congratulations Britt," Hunter said as he hugged me again.

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"When you telling Dave? It is his right?" Taylor asked, looking over at Tyler.

"I kissed her. I never slept with her," Tyler said in response.

"Yes it's Dave and I'm gonna tell him on the 15th. I gotta survive tomorrow and then the 14th and then I can tell him. I'm not ruining his birthday," I said.

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