40. License To Drive

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I woke up the next morning, sat up and looked to my left then right before putting my head in my hands. I was never drinking again. I suddenly started feeling really sick. I nudged Dave until he woke up. He looked at me, saw the look on my face and got out of the bed so I could get out. I got out of bed, grabbed my house coat and ran to the bathroom as he got back into bed. I put my head to the toilet just in time. I was in there for what felt like a lifetime when I finally got up to brush my teeth.

"You okay beautiful?" Dave asked as he walked into the bathroom and up to me as I spit out my toothpaste.

"Don't ask. Did that really happen?" I asked before gargling some mouth wash.

"Surprisingly yes. I'm shocked you didn't push him off," Dave replied as I spit the mouth wash out. I turned to look at him and rubbed my tummy that was still feeling weird.

"I haven't felt this sick in awhile. Good thing I'm staying home today," I said as Dave started brushing his teeth while I brushed my hair. I heard the bed squeak and I froze. Dave spit out the toothpaste before poking his head out of the bathroom.

"Hey can you go make some coffee please? Britt's not feeling good and didn't make it," Dave asked Taylor.

"Ya sure," I heard Taylor respond. A couple minutes later, I heard the door to the bedroom open and close.

"Thanks," I said as I put my hairbrush down.

"No problem. I'll talk to him and none of us will mention this ever again," Dave replied as I started leaving the bathroom.

"Thanks babe. I'm crawling back into that bed," I said as I heard one of the babies cry.

"Guess that'll have to wait," Dave said with a laugh as I headed towards the nursery.

I walked in and noticed Krist was feeding Kurt in the rocking chair. We exchanged good mornings and I picked Meredith up. I changed her and grabbed a bottle from the mini fridge on top of the dresser and headed back to my room. I started feeding her as I walked into the room and Dave was coming out of the bathroom

"Kurt didn't wake up?"Dave asked after he kissed Meredith's forehead after he walked up to us.

"Krist was feeding him when I got there," I replied as Dave went to his closet. Taylor walked in with three cups of coffee as I sat down in the chair between the two closests.

"Morning Britt," Taylor said as he put one of the cups on Dave's bedside table before walking over and putting one on mine.

"Morning," I replied not looking up from Meredith.

Dave threw a shirt out of the closet and it landed on the floor close to Taylor. Dave walked out of the closet wearing a Motorhead shirt and a jeans.

"I left your coffee on you nightstand. Uh about last night........." Taylor trailed off.

"Let's not talk about it please?" I asked as Meredith finished her bottle.

"Ya ok. I just wanted to apologize," Taylor said.

"It's fine really TayTay," I replied.

Taylor put the shirt on Dave had thrown to him as Dave took Meredith from me and Krist walked in with Kurt.

"You guys where loud last night. What the fuck where you guys doing in here?" Krist asked as he handed me Kurt. The three of just stared at him.

"From the sounds of it they had a threesome," Scotty said as he walked into the room.

"In that case it's don't ask don't tell," Krist said and threw his hands up in the air.

"So what's planned for today?" Scotty asked.

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