23. Oh Cinderella, They Aren't Sluts Like You

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I woke up the next morning and heard the girls and Dave in the kitchen. I sat up in bed and streched. I didn't want to get up. I had to go for mani pedis with Kimberly Williams-Paisley and Diane Keaton. Kimberly had invited me as a bonding thing before the premiere. Her and Diane had done it before the first two movies. I sat in bed texting people back when I heard whispered voices outside the door.

"Now girls be quiet until we know for sure if she's up," Dave whispered. He opened the door and poked his head in. When he saw I was up he opened the door all the way and stood there. "The girls wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed on your special day." He moved out of the way and the girls walked in one at a time. Violet had a tray with a plate of french toast on it. Harper had the legs the tray fit in. Ophelia had flowers in her hands.

Harper walked over and put the legs down on the bed in front of me. "Congratulations on your big day. Tell Kimberly Williams I loved her on Nashville," she said and hugged me.

"Thanks Harper and I will," I replied.

Violet walked over and put the tray down on legs. "I told dad to make french toast because it was the first thing you ever made for us when we met you. Have fun tonight and congratulations," she said and hugged me as well.

I hugged her back before responding. "I'll try to have fun and thanks Violet."

"We picked these for you because it's your big day," Ophelia said as she got up on the bed and handed me the flowers.

"Aww well that's really sweet Ophelia. Thank you," I said as I took the flowers and smelled them. We hugged after I put the flowers on the bedside table.

"Ok girls. Let's get ready for school. Your mom will be here soon," Dave said. The girls walked out of the room saying congratulations again and I thanked them before he closed the door.

Dave returned after I had finished my french toast and showered. I was about done blow drying my hair when he walked into the bathroom. I finished my hair, put the blow dryer down and brushed my hair.

"What you got planned for today?" he asked, sitting down on the side of the tub.

I reached for my mascara and eye shadow. "I got mani and pedis with Diane and Kimberly before I go to lunch with you and both bands," I responded as I finished putting on my mascara.

"Oh yeah. The tour lunch is today," he said as he stood up and took his shirt off.

"Yeah, then I gotta go tothe hair dresser with Frances and Courtney to get my hair done for the night then I go home and eat left over pizza, talk toFrances and Hunter about the baby and get dressed. Then you show up looking hot as hell and take me to my premiere," I said as I finished putting on eye shadow.

"Ok. Well I'm gonna shower and get ready. We're gonna finalize the other opening act before lunch. They'll be joining us at the lunch. I will see you then. Have fun today and don't stress out too much. I love you," Dave said as he wrapped me up in his arms.

"I love you too. See you later," I said. I kissed him and he let me go. I walked into the bedroom and put on the dress I had brought over with me last night. I got dressed and then texted Kimberly.

"I'm ready. Where do I have to go?"

She responded as I was putting on my lip gloss.

"I'll come get you. You at your place or Dave's?"

"At Dave's" I responded.

"K. Be there soon."

I put my phone in my purse and headed out to the living room. I sat down on the couch and looked around the room. Dave had finally started putting his things around the house. I noticed there where now pictures on a table beside the couch I was sitting on. I moved over and looked at them. One was of Violet, Harper and Ophelia in their halloween costumes from last year. One was of Dave and the guys int he studio. One was a picture of Taylor, Hunter and me drunk at one of the BBQs Dave held after he got the place. The last one was a double picture frame. One side was a picture of Dave and I kissing that he had taken and the other was a sonogram picture of our baby bean.

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