6. A Social Blast, Chaotic Master

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After standing around and talking for a few minutes and another hour of rehearsing, we started heading over towards the first building. As we go to the side of the first building, Dave came around the corner.

"Hey I was just coming to see you if you guys where done," Dave said when he saw us.

"We where just coming to see you because she made it and survived," Tyler said.

"Hey congratulations......" He drifted off and I realized I never introduced myself.

"Brittany. Sorry I forgot to do that earlier," I responded.

"It's all good. I noticed you where nervous. Hey Frances," He said when he noticed Frances was standing beside me. Beside her was Hunter and he looked shocked.

"Hey Dave," Frances responded as she put her cigarette out on the gorund.

"You must be the friend of Brittany's that Frances went to pick up. Dave Grohl but from the patch on your jacket I think you know that," Dave chuckled.

"Uh ya. I'm Hunter. Honor to meet you," he struttered out.

"Can we go get our drink on already?" Gavin asked.

"Mind if I tag along?" Dave asked. I was guessing he was asking because of Frances.

"Ya sure. It'd be great to catch up," Frances responded, knowing he was asking her.

"Let's go. I'm off the clock and need to get some alcohol in my system," Gavin shouted from half away across the parking lot.

"I can't go. I'm not of age," Hunter said.

"Neither am I. I'm Kevin. If you wanna hang out and jam, we can do that until the adults are done being idiots," Kevin offered. Hunter looked at me.

"It's better than sitting in the hotel room alone until I get back," I suggested.

"Ok. Lets do it," Hunter said to Kevin.

"Why don't we all just go buy liquor and go to either Tyler's house or mine?" Frances asked.

"Hey good idea. Then the minors can drink with us and celebrate us getting a new lead singer," Garrett said.

"We can go to mine. I got alot of guitars and two drum sets," Tyler spoke up reaching in his pockets for his car keys.

The whole tiem we had been walking tothe parking lot I noticed Dave was walking just a little bit behind me. I stopped in place and waited the three steps it took him to catch up to me. He put his phone in his pocket as Istarted wlaking again.

"I was texting Jordyn to tell her I was going to go jam with Tyler and Kevin for a bit and that I would be home late,"He said.

"Why are you telling me this," I thought.

"I don't know why I just told you that. That was random," he said as if I had said it out loud.

"So are the Foos doing anything new yet?" I asked with a smile and my tongue slightly sticking out.

Dave laughed," Ya, I'm here writing right now. You where probably the first person to hear a new song before anyone else."

"I really didn't mean to walk in on you. I heard the drums and just followed the sound."

"Hey Britt if you want a ride from me you better pick upthe pace," Frances yelled from her car.

"I can give her a ride," Dave shouted back.

Frances started walking over towards me so I ran a bit to meet her half way.

"You ok going with him?" she asked me.

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