76. At The Park, In The Back Of My Car

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1 Month Later - March 21

Today was the day! Two of my best friends where getting married. Dave Kurt and Eric where at Taylor and Abby's and all females where at our house. Dave was still in the guest house but things where better. I even started spending a night out in the guest house. No monkey business though. We where taking our time. No rushing, just talking. Although there were alot of almost times. Anyways, Abby and Taylor where getting married today. I headed downstairs to make coffee and realised I was the only one awake, besides Bowie, a brittany spaniel, and my new puppy Dreamy, a miniature schnauzer. A welcome home gift from Dave and the kids. I was dancing around to My Sharona on my phone as the coffee was perking. I turned around and jumped when I saw Dave.

"Jesus fuck you scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What did you do to your hair?" Dave said as he walked over to me. I dyed it after he left last night. Took three washes to get the water to run clear.

"I dyed it obviously," I said.

"You look so hot right now," Dave said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.

"Hey no. I don't have time for make out sessions in the kitchen. I need to get everyone up and find out why you are here," I said after I pushed him off of me.

"I had to drive the best man over so he could give the bride the groom's wedding gift. If you need a ride there and back I can give you one," Dave said as he leaned in for another kiss.

"Children in the room," Abby said as she came in with Meredith and Shane. Dave stood up and moved away from me a bit.

"I was just asking Britt if she needs a ride to give Taylor his gift or not," Dave said with an innocent smile on hsi face.

"You're nto that innocent mister. Are you gonna bring her back in time to get ready?" Abby asked.

"Yes ma'am," Dave answered and saluted Abby.

"Go and get back as soon as possible. I'll feed the kids while you're gone," Abby said.

I smiled and ran upstairs to put something on. I settled on a loose flowly short skirt and one of Dave's tshirts. I grabbed the bag off the little table by the bedroom door after putting on some flats. I skipped down the stairs and headed out the front door that Dave was holding open. Shane was already in the car waiting for us. We got in the car and backed out of the driveway.

"So Shane you excited to be the best man?" I asked as I turned around to look at Shane.

"Uh huh. Uncle Dave helped me write my speech and I get to give dad the rings. I also get to walk a pretty girl down the aisle afterwards," Shane said excitedly.

"Well this pretty girl is happy to have you walk her down the aisle," I said with a smile before I sat back properly.

Dave grabbed my hand and held it in his lap. I smiled at him as he pulled into Taylor and Abby's driveway. We got out of the car and Shane ran inside. Dave stopped me from going in.

"Excuse me I have a job to do," I said as Dave pulled me into his arms and hugged me.

"I can't help it. The hair is turning me on," Dave said as he grabbed my ass.

"Dave that's not Brittany," Taylor said as he came outside. I turned around and Taylor backed up a bit.

"Woah that is Brittany. You look amazing as always. Shane says you have something for me," Taylor said as he came over to us. I reached into the car, pulled the bag out and handed it to Taylor.

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