27. One Big Happy Family

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1 Month Later

We had toured Canada with Hunter. Frances had met us in Virginia to take him home. We would be dropping them off and picking up Jordyn and the girls. We pulled parked in a spot and headed towards the airport.

"Why can't I stay another month? School's out now anyways," Hunter complained as we walked.

"You have to do a month of school work in two weeks then we gotta send it in and wait to see if you passed. Sadly being on a tour bus isn't the best place to do schoolwork," Frances responded.

"I'll make you a deal. You go now and do all the school work and you pass, you can come back for the last week of the tour," Dave said. I looked over at Dave and he added, "If Britt is ok with it. Frances and Kevin can come too."

"It's fine with me," I responded.

"Kevin is actually right there," Frances said as she looked up from her phone.

We all looked and there Kevin was.

"Hey Tyler said you guys could give me a ride," Kevin said as we walked up to him.

"Ya we can. Did your brother tell you why you're here for last month ofthe tour?" Dave asked.

"No. He was pissed because someone told him about a box that belonged to me and he demanded I get out here after Canada," Kevin replied.

"Babe I'll be there in a minute. If you see Jordyn and the girls just tell them I'm outside. Bye Frances and Hunter," Dave said as we kept walking into the airport.

"Ok," I replied.

"Bye Dave," Frances and Hunter both said.

We walked inside and Hunter and Frances headed up to the counter to check their bags and I walked over to the flight board to see when Jordyn and the girls flight arrived. I saw it arrived at Gate 6 fifteen minutes ago. Dave had told Jordyn to meet us by the door because we had to drop Frances and Hunter off.

"Well we gotta go so I guess we better say bye now. Bye sis. I'll see you in three weeks," Frances said and hugged me with one arm. I hugged her back.

"Bye sis. Text me when you get home. Bye Hunter. You go do the work and pass and you'll be back here in no time," I said and we hugged quickly.

"Bye Britt. I will and I can't wait. Tell Kevin I'm sorry. Hey there's Jordyn," Hunter said.

I turned around and looked. Jordyn wasthere with the girls. She waved when she saw me. I waved back. I turned back to Hunter and Frances. "Well this should be a fun three days off," I said.

"You'll be fine," Frances said and hugged me again before walking off and shouting bye behind her.

"Bye Britt," Hunter said as he did the same.

I waved as they walked away and turned around with a smile on my face as Jordyn and the girls got closer.

"Hey girls. Hey Jordyn. Dave is talking to Kevin outside," I said.

"Dad!" Violet and Harper yelled and ran past me.

"Hey there they are! God I missed you girls," Dave said as he hugged both of them.

"Hey Brittany. You look amazing. Pregnancy suits you," Jordyn said as she put Ophelia down. Ophelia ran to Dave and he picked her up in a huge hug.

"Thanks. I think I'm fat but everyone says it's just because I'm pregnant," I replied.

"Trust me, I know the feeling," Jordyn responded with a laugh.

"Hey Jordyn. Any issues on the trip?" Dave asked.

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