78. Chevy Reception

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We arrived back at mine and Dave's and headed into the living room as we waited for us to be able to go in. I saw everyone heading towards the tent and got slightly nervous. I wasn't good with speeches and I was gonna have to give one. I hated speeches with a passion. I was still that shy nervous girl who never wanted to be the center attention. I left the living room and headed upstairs to my room. I wanted the cue cards I made just so incase. I took them out of my bedside table and turned around to see Dave in the door way.

"I thought you'd never venture off alone," he said as he walked towards me.

"We don't have time for anything," I said as I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my arm.

"This isn't a booty call. I noticed you were rubbing your wrist where the hair tie usually is. Why are you nervous?" he asked.

"Speech duh," I said as I held up the cue cards.

"You'll do fine. I'll make sure you're giddy from champagne before you go up there," Dave said before he kissed me.

"Let's go before I end up stripping that suit off of you, pushing you down on the bed and fucking you senseless," I said as I took his hand and started walking out of the room.

"Wonder whose gonna have the crazy drunken wedding sex tonight," Dave said as we headed down the stairs. Abby and Taylor walked in as we got to the bottom.

"My money is on the bride and groom," I said as Taylor and Abby stopped when they saw us.

"On us for what?" Abby asked.

"Crazy drunken wedding sex. Someone always has it at a wedding. If I remember correctly it was Frances and Scotty at ours," I said with a giggle.

"If we are actually taking bets, I'll put $20 on you and Dave," Taylor said.

"Fine. I put $20 on you and your new wife," Dave said. They each took a $20 out of their wallets and handed them to me. I put them in my little purse as we headed to the living room.

"Ok grooms men and brides maids out to the tent please. They're gonna introduce the bride and groom soon and they're about to introduce you guys so go," the wedding planner said as she started rushing us out the back door in the kitchen. We all walked to the tent and headed to the big table at the side. We sat down in our seats as Frances walked up to the mic between the table and the dance floor.

"Hello everyone. Please stand and help me welcome Mr and Mrs Oliver Taylor Hawkins," she said.

Everyone stood up and started clapping as Taylor and Abby walked into the tent. We all sat down as they joined us at the table. I was greatful when someone came by and gave us all drinks. Abby and I toasted each other as I noticed Dave talking to the waiter and pointing at me. Bless that man for helping me get drunk.

"At this time I would like to ask the best man to come up and give his speech," Frances said and then lowered the mic. We all clapped as Taylor and Dave both leaned in and talked to him before he walked up the the mic.

"Thank you. I've known my dad my whole life and he's one of my best friends in the whole world. When my dad met Abby, I didn't really want to like her. She wasn't my mom. Over time though I started liking her. I gave her a hard time because she stole my dad from me but I liked her. Abby has always been super nice to me. My dad explained to me that when he met Abby it was like finding the missing piece that you didn't know was missing. I asked my Uncle Dave about what my dad and I talked about and if he felt the same way when he met Aunt Brittany. He told me kind of but that he felt like he found the female version of my dad and he said my dad was his best friend. So I guess my dad found the female version of my Uncle Dave. Abby I'm glad you're joining our family. Thank you for my brother Ollie as well. Thank you," Shane said and walked back to his seat as everyone clapped. Abby and Taylor hugged him when he got up to them. Dave fist bumped him as he took his seat. I finished my drink as a waiter put two more in front of me. This shall be fun I thought while I drank half of one of them. Frances was already up at the mic fixing it.

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