67. Sassy Bean

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"Hey girl," Abby said as she came into the living room where the twins and I were.

"Hey girl heeeeeeeey," I replied as I looked away from my laptop.

"I love this song," Abby said as Back Dat Azz Up started playing and she started dancing the best she could and the twins joined her. The twins continued to dance as Abby sat down beside me.

"I would have joined but I'm not risk shaking the baby loose," I said as Bowie walked into the living room and laid down by my feet.

"I can't wait for the little guys to get here," Abby said as she rubbed her belly.

"Hey so I wanted to ask you if you wanted to help me on a solo project. I know you're an amazing drummer and guitar player so I anted to ask you first," I said as I looked at her.

"I'll do it. This is gonna be awesome. What kind of songs did you want to do?" she asked.

"I wanna do songs that have helped me through tough times in life. Especially recently with Kevin, the wedding, Dave in general and the car accident," I replied.

"You should do 2 Become 1. Dave will freak," Abby said with a huge smile on her face.

"That's so cheesey and 90s but I like it. We have song number 1," I said and put the song on.

For the rest of the morning Abby and I went through songs. I had a huge list and knew I would ahve to go through them. Abby had decided to stay witht he twins and Frances while I went to meet Dave for lunch. When I pulled up outside of Studio 606, I saw Taylor outside on the phone. I got out of the car and headed towards the building.

"I'll call you later. Hey Britt I needto ask you something before Dave takes you away for lunch," Taylor said as I walked up to him. Dave came out of the studio as we were talking and walked over to us.

"Thank Britt. I'll call you later to set up a time and day," Taylor said as he went back inside the studio as Dave walked up to me.

"What was that about?" Dave asked as he hugged me.

"Surprise for Abby. My lips are sealed so don't even try," I said as we pulled apart.

"Ready for our date?" Dave asked as he smiled at me with a cheesey grin.

"I'm starving," I replied as he put an arm around me and we walked to his van. We went to the Rainbow to eat. Dave and I where eating when he stopped and looked at me. I had a french fry half way into my mouth when I noticed him staring at me.

"What?" I asked as I chewed the french fry.

"I just remembered that this was the first place I brought you for a date," Dave replied. I thought about it and he was right. Shortly after Jordyn had kicked him out and he moved in with Frances, Hunter and myself, he brought me here as our first official date.

"You totally did," I replied with a smile.

"You still look as amazing as you did that night," he said before he started eating again.

"You're still the dork that you were back then," I said with a small laugh. He looked up at me and winked, causing me to laugh even more.

We finished our meal and headed back to the studio, with a secret special stop along the way. I headed inside to say hey to all the guys before heading home to my best bitches. I pulled into the driveway and saw paparazzi across the street. I decided to be a sassy bean and waved before flipping them off and ended with sticking my tongue out at them. I was gonna be house bound for the next few months once Eric got here. I waved as I walked in my front door and headed to see my besties and babies.

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