39. Say Cheese!

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2 Weeks Later

Dave and I where getting ready to head out to the Foo Fighters music video shoot for their new single. We had to bethere in 45 minutes. The twins were on the bed in their car seats while I was looking for shirt and Dave was...........Where was Dave? I walked out of my closet and over to his. I looked in and he wasn't there so I walked over to the bathroom and looked in. Still no Dave. I started walking towards the bedroom door when he walked in with two travel cups of coffee.

"You are a genius,"I said as he handed me one. I took a sip and smiled.

"Well you didn't get much sleep so you're gonna need it and a shirt," Dave replied. I walked into my closet with my coffee and looked at my shirts. Hmmmmmmmm

"What about this one?" Dave asked after he pulled out a random shirt. I started alughing when I saw what he pulled out. He turned it around and saw the Nirvana smiley face and put it back

"I could have but only if I wasn't going to be seen with you cause heaven forbid the paparazzi sees me in it," I replied when I finally stopped laughing.

"Maybe you could wear it to bed," Dave said as he started walking away.

"Oh subtle. Real subtle," I responded as I grabbed a loose fitting Motorhead tank top and walked out after him.

"Ok grab your stuff and let's go," Dave said as he put his sunglasses on and grabbed both car seats. I grabbed the diaper bags and my purse and followed Dave downstairs. We walked into the garage and Dave started putting the car seats into the car. I put the diaper bags behind my seat and got into the passenger seat. Once both car seats where in the car, Dave got into the car and pushed the button to open the door.

"You do not look ready for this," he said after he buckled his seatbelt and started the car.

"The magazine came out on friday, we're taking the twins outside of the house for the first time and It's technically my first music video. Of course I don't look ready. You know I'm a pile of nerves on any given day," I replied as he backed out of the garage and down the driveway. As we got to the bottom of the drive way I noticed a few paparazzi across the street. Dave noticed them too.

"Just act like you're looking for something in your purse. Once we get past them put your sunglasses on and just ignore them when we get where we're going," Davesaid as he stopped at the end of the driveway and waited for a car to drive by. I started rummaging through my purse as Dave started driving again. I actually started looking forgum. We where past the paparazzi and I was still digging in my purse when he spoke up again. "You can stop digging."

"Found it," I said as I pulled out gum.

"Wait you where actually looking for gum?" he asked.

"Well not at first but yes. Want one?" I asked. He held his hand out as a yes and I popped one out of the package into his hand. He put it in his mouth as I popped one out for myself.

"You and the bubblemint need to end your love affair," He said after he chewed it for a bit.

I laughed as I started chewing the gum. We drove to where we had to go and there where more paparazzi there. Dave pulled into a parking space as I put my sunglasses on. We got out and we each took a diaper bag and a car seat. I had Kurt and Dave had Meredith. We walked to the building in silence. Taylor, who was standing beside the door, opened the door and let us go through before he walked in and closed it behind him.

"Well that's something we'll have to get use to now that Dave is dating the next big Hollywood actress. Britt you are neededin hair and make up. We're shooting all your scenes today," Taylor said as he took the diaper bag and Kurt from me. I was escorted by some girl my age into room onthe left and was pushed down into a chair as they started doing my hair.

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