77. Beach Wedding

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"You ready crazy lady?" I asked as we pulled up to the beach spot Abby had picked out for today.

"I've been ready since the day I met that man," Abby smiled back.

We got out of the limo one at a time. Frances had come with us to help with Meredith. They walked over to where the chairs and guys where to sit down with Scotty, Jordyn, the girls, Eric and Kurt. Thankfully where were had to stand and wait was behind a bunch of trees. I looked through the trees and saw Dave holding Eric. Eric looked like a mini Dave. Those two melted my heart.

"Are you spying on the guys?" Abby asked as she walked over to me.

"Uh huh. Oh I see Taylor," I said as Taylor walked up to Dave.

"I'm surprised he's not wearing shorts," Karen said as she joined us.

"I'm sure they turn into shorts," I said as I watched Kurt and Meredith run around Dave and Taylor.

"Ladies get ready please. I'm going to go get the little mon...angels and get them over here to walk down the aisle first," the wedding planner said. Abby and I both shot her a look as she started saying monsters so she changed it. My babies wheren't monsters. They just got a double dose of hyper activity because Dave and I are both spaz monkeys.

The wedding planner ran over to grab the kids and as she was coming back with them Dave handed Eric to Frances and went to his place beside Shane who was smiling from ear to ear as he stood beside his dad. I felt Kurt grab my leg in a hug before he ran to Abby and pulled on her dress. She looked down and he asked her to come close so she bent down and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Abby smiled and kissed him on the cheek in return. The wedding planner handed Meredith her basket as I headed over to get my bouquet.

"Now you wait until after your mommy finishes walking to throw those ok," she said to Meredith in an over the top voice as I joined them. I frowned slightly.

"Ok," Meredith replied as she looked up at me as the wedding planner turned around to get my flowers. She turned back around and handed them to me.

"Thanks. You should really be nice to little kids and not consider them monsters. She's only hyper because she's excited. Please just be a little kinder," I said before I took Meredith's hand and Kurt's ring pillow from her and walked back towards Abby, Karen, Gia, Lee and Joan. Kurt was in the middle looking up at all of them.

"I'm gonna smack your wedding planner," I said as I got up to them.

"What'd she do now?" Lee asked.

"She was just over the top nice to Meredith," I sreplied.

"She mean lady," Meredith said. I heard someone clear their thoart behind me and I turned around to see the wedding planner.

"It's time ladies," she said with a scowl.

We lined up and Kurt stood beside Meredith behind me. Annabelle and Alex stood behind them with baskets as well. I handed Kurt the pillow and stood up straight and waited. Lee went first around the trees and down the aisle. The wedding planner was watching and pointed at Gia for her to go. We move closer as Joan went down the aisle. I started getting nervous as Karen went out. I looked over at the wedding planner as I waited for her to point at me. Once she did, I walked around the trees and headed towards the guys. I saw everyone looking at me and I smiled nervously as I walked. I locked eyes with Dave and he winked at me as I got closer to them. I smiled at him before I took my place. Kurt and Meredith started walking down the make shift aisle. Meredith threw all the flowers out just before she got to the where the chairs ended, so she gave Kurt the basket and ran to grab some of the rose petals she dropped as Annabelle and Alex where walking down. Everyone laughed as she ran back to Kurt and put the petals in the basket and threw them for their last two steps. The entire time she did this Kurt stood there looking between us and her. Kurt and Meredith went and stood by Frances and Scotty and Alex and Annabelle stood beside Harper and Violet as everyone stood up to watch Abby walk down the aisle. Taylor teared up when he saw Abby. I looked away from Taylor and watched as Abby got closer. I turned back and saw Dave staring at me. I smiled at him and he winked back at me again. I looked down as Taylor stepped forward to meet Abby, trying to avoid Dave's stare.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" asked the minister. Abby's mother stood up and stepped forward.

"I do," she said.

Abby hugged her mom and kissed her on the cheek. Taylor did the same before she went and sat back down. Abby and Taylor walked forward and Abby handed me her bouquet after I handed mine to Karen. The minister went through the normal wedding stuff. Abby and Taylor said their own vows and then came the rings. Kurt stood up and walked over to Dave and handed him the pillow before running back to Frances. Dave held the pillow while Shane untied the rings and handed them to Taylor. Taylor thanked him before they put the rings on each other. Finally it was the part everyone waited for.

"Do you Abigail White take Oliver Hawkins to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the minister asked Abby.

"I do," she replied with a smile.

"Do you Oliver Hawkins take Abigail White as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I sure do," Taylor said.

"If anyone has any objections as to why this couple should not be united in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace," the minister said. Two screams came from both sides of the chairs. We looked at sat it was Ollie and Eric just being babies and laughed.

"I don't think that counts so by the powers vested in me I now pronouce you husband and wife," the minister siad. Taylor stepped towards Abby and kissed her. Once they pulled apart, I handed Abby her flowers back and her and Taylor headed down the aisle. I took my flowers from Karen and held my arm out for Shane to take and we walked down the aisle together. When we got behind the trees Abby and Taylor where kissing.

"Ewww," Shane said.

"Ya it's gross. I have to do that with uncle Dave," I said as they pulled apart and Dave and Karen joined us.

"Ewwww," Shane said again as Joan and Shifty joined us.

Nate and Gia came next before Pat and Lee finally came. We stood in the usual line and waited as everyone walked by and said hi and shook our hands and said congrats and stuff. We waited there as everyone left except for Frances, Scotty, Jordyn and all the kids. They stayed so that the kids where occupied while we took pictures. They started with the whole wedding party including the ring bearer and flower girls. Then they moved on to family shots. I watched as Shane, Alex and Annabelle ran over to Taylor and Abby as Jordyn followed with Ollie. Dave put his arma round me as I stood there watching.

"They look so happy," Dave said.

"Because they are," I replied as Taylor and Abby kissed Ollie's cheeks for a picture.

"Are you happy?" he asked me.

"I could be," I replied.

"What do you mean?" Dave asked sounding worried.

"I want you back in the house permnantly," I replied.

"I fucking love you," Dave said before he leaned in and kissed me.

"Where's the maid of honor?" I heard the photographer say.

"Over there making out with the second best man," Taylor said as I pushed Dave off of me and we went back to being "normal." We finished taking pictures and Abby and Taylor took off in the limo. I giggled as they drove off. I knew what was gonna happen.

"What's so funny?" Dave asked as he joined me with Eric.

"Let's just say Abby is gonna have as much fun as I did in that limo," I said as I took Eric from Dave. He shook his head and we went over to where Scotty, Frances and Jordyn were parked. They would take the kids to our house while we went with the rest of the wedding party, minus Shane, for some drinking and driving around until Abby and Taylor decided they were done being

"Make sure he sleeps please," I said as Jordyn took Eric from me.

"I will. Go have some fun. We'll see you at back at your place," Jordyn said as Dave grabbed my hand. I waved goodbye to the kids as Dave dragged me away.

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