97. Squish The Bug Once And For All

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2 Weeks Later - Sept. 16

"When are you guys planning on doing this? You said that you and Mr. Grohl are both working on new albums," Megan the wedding planner asked. I was holding James while Eric played in the living room and Priscilla was asleep upstairs.

"That's all on Dave. He knows our schedules better than I do. Hold on," I replied and texted Dave. I got a text back shortly after and smiled at his response.

"Well what did he say?" Megan asked.

"Valentine's day," I replied and smiled again.

"And you want to have it here?" Megan asked as she wrote the date down on her pad of paper.

"Yes please. I know it's a short time frame considering it took a year or so to plan the last one," I started but Megan held her hand up and shook her head.

"Please I've planned a wedding for 250 guests in less than a month. 5 months is more than enough. I know you're going to be busy with your family and the album but I will need you once in awhile. Are you planning on any brides maids and grooms men? New dress or one of the old ones?" Megan asked as James started wiggling and wanting down. I put him down and he went under the table and sat by Bowie.

"Probably a new one. I'm going tomorrow with the girls and a couple of friends to look at dresses. I believe there's going to be 2 or 3 grooms men and brides maids. We're not sure yet. Dave just wants simple and small though. Just family and close friends. Maybe about 25 or 30 people. Maybe 50 just to be the safe side," I replied. My phone started ringing and I saw it was an unknown number. "Excuse me I have to take this."

"I can let myself out. We'll be in touch," Megan replied as I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone as I stood up and walked to get more coffee.

"Hi Britt. Remember me?" a female voice asked.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Angie. You know your room mate at rehab. You're man looks good today by the way. Wearing that multi plaid pattern shirt," She replied. My mind instantly started panicking.

"How do you know what he's wearing?" I asked as I ran to the front door to make sure the alarm was set.

"I can see him. He's sitting outside a restaurant with Taylor right now," Angie replied as I headed upstairs.

"Why are you stalking my husband?" I asked as I started checking every single window upstairs.

"It'll get your attention. Now listen here. My life's been a shit hole since I got out of rehab and I want to go home. I need enough to get there and to get a house when I get there. You can get it for me. If not I'm going to tell the press what you said in rehab. I think Dave might also like to know that you lied to him about Nick," Angie responded with.

"I didn't lie about Nick. Nick and I were never a thing. I went to dinner one night with him and he kissed me but that was it. I never lied," I replied as I walked into mine and Dave's room. I noticed Dave's phone on his bed side table and walked over to it. I texted Taylor from Dave's phone and explained what was happening.

"Either way, the press are going to take any dirt on you they can get. Either give me what I want or you can kiss your somewhat good public image good bye," Angie said and then hung up. I was sitting on the bed staring at both phones when Dave's started ringing.

"Hello," I said once I put it on speaker.

"I'm coming home with Taylor now. Make sure the doors are locked and stay in one room with the kids. I'll be home soon," Dave said and then hung up.

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