24. Out On The Road

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1 Week Later

I was the first one of my band to arrive to get on the tour bus. I was kinda glad because it meant I got first choice of bunk. I had a car service come get me that morning so Frances and hunter wouldn't have to get up and drive me. I had spent the ngiht with them and let Dave spend his last night with his girls. It was going to be 2 months before Jordyn was flying out with the girls to see Dave on two of the days off we had in Virginia.

"You're with Peace Punk right?" a guy with a clip board asked me.

"Uh yes," I responded.

"Ok this bus is yours. We'll get your bags on there. Take what you need with you. The back of the bus is your bunk," the guy said as he pointed at the bus in front of me before walking away.

A couple of guys where unloading my stuff from the car and onto the bus. I grabbed two of my bags and headed onto the bus. I walked to the very back and noticed it was a bedroom. I was glad I didn't have to stuff myself into one of the tiny bunks. I put my bags on my bed and sat down on it. I pulled out my phone and texted Dave.

"When you guys arriving? I wanna say goodbye to the girls before Jordyn gets here."

He responded almost instantly.

"Almost there. How's the bus?" he responded.

"Did you do this? If so, I love it!"

"I thought you would. Your guys thought it would be better for you considering the baby and all," he sent back.

"I'll thank them when they get their asses here. Do I have to stay on my bus the whole time?" I asked.

"No. I think I might be spending most of the time on your bus. I'm in a bunk on our bus. We're pulling in now." he repsonded.

I stood up, put my phone in my pocket and headed to the front of the bus. I saw a car pulling up and decided to head outside. I stepped out of the bus as Dave stepped out of the car.

"See I told you she was here waiting for you guys," I heard Dave say to the girls. Harperstepped out first. When she saw me she came running over.

"We had pizza last night and you missed it," she said after we hugged.

"I missed pizza. What kind?" I asked as we walked over to join the others.

"Pepperoni with extra cheese," Harper replied.

"Oh my favorite. Sorry I missed out. Hey Violet. Hey Ophelia," I said as they both hugged me.

"Hey babe," Dave said and hugged me with one arm as Taylor and Pat got out of the car that just pulled up.

"Hey you," I responded as another car pulled up. It was Jordyn.

"Just stay calm and be nice," Dave whispered before letting go of me.

I took a deep breath in as Jordyn walked over to us.

"Hey girls. Hey Dave. Hey Brittany," Jordyn said when she got up to us.

"Hey Jordyn," I replied with a smile. She smiled back.

"Hey Jordyn. You're gonna come see us with the girls when we get to Virginia correct?" Dave asked.

"Yep. I'll bring them out. Brittany I just wanted to say you looked really good last night. I saw pictures this morning and congratulations," Jordyn said to me.

"Oh thanks for the compliment and thank you," I said in response. She normally wasn't this nice to me.

"Okay girls we gotta get you to school. Say good bye to daddy and Brittany. You're not gonna see them for 2 months," Jordyn said.

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