43. Can't Keep My Hands Off You

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1 Month Later

I was in the guitar room practicing when a knock came at the door. Bowie lifted his head as Harper poked her head in shortly after.

"Dad's on the phone and wants to know if you want chinese for dinner," she said.

"Tell him yes please and that we need diapers," I replied.

"Ok," she said before she closed the door. I heard her yell down the hall to Violet, "She said yes and that we need diapers."

I couldn't help but giggle as I went back to practicing my guitar. I had been practicing almost every day (minus a week) since I had the miscarriage and was put on bed rest. I had learned Everlong the first week. Dave had spent the first week with me because he didn't want to go to the studio or leave me alone. So he decided to teach me guitar. I was getting pretty good. I had even written my own song. I was practicing it when Harper had come in.

"Owe Ophelia stop it," I heard Harper yell so I put my guitar back in it's stand in the corner of the room and headed to the living room where the girls were. Bowie followed me, in hopes of being fed.

"What is going on in here?" I asked as I walking in.

"Ophelia keeps pinching us," Violet said.

"They said that when Hunter gets home I can't go to see him with them," Ophelia responded.

"That's not a reason to pinch them. Come on let's go feed Bowie," I said and held my hand out for Ophelia to take. She ran over and took it and we walked to the kitchen with Bowie following us. He barked as I opened the pantry.

"Hold on Bowie. We have to get the food out," Ophelia said as she petted him and picked up his food bowl for me. She handed it to me and I put a scoop of food in it before handing it back to her. She put it down in front of Bowie and said, "There you go Bowie."

"How about instead of you going to see Hunter with Violet and Harper, you stay here with me and we can have a tea party with Frances. Would you like to do that instead?" I asked as I closed the pantry.

"Can I dress up for it?" she asked in response as the door bell rang.

"I'll get it," Violet yelled as her and Harper ran for the door. Hunter was coming home after spending the last month of summer vacation with his parents.

"Yes you can dress up," I replied and with that Ophelia took off upstairs to dress up in her new princess dress.

"Hey Britt," Hunter said as he walked intot he kitchen followed by Violet, Harper and Frances.

"Hunty!" I shouted as I ran over and hugged him.

"I'm glad to be home," He said after we pulled apart. Frances put Hunter's bag down and went to start the kettle.

"I'm glad you're back too. Dave's getting chinese for tonight. He should be here in a couple of hours. Josh and John wanted to talk to him about a new Them Crooked Vultures record," I told Hunter as Ophelia came back down dressed as Cinderella.

"Well call us when he gets here and we'll come up from my place," Hunter said as he picked up his bag from where Frances had left it and headed towards the guest house with Violet and Harper walking with him.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Frances asked as Ophelia climbed into a chair at the table.

"Britt said that we could have a tea party and that I could dress up," she responded.

"Well good thing I put the kettle on then," Frances said with a laugh.

I took out the tea set Frances had bought me for christmas. The teapot was Mrs. Potts from beauty and the beast and all the cups looked like Chip but only one had an actual chip and face on it. I put three teabags in the pot and poured the water in. I put it on the table as Frances got up and grabbed the cups. As she sat back down with the cups I grabbed some milk and sugar and brought them to the table.

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