63. I'm Coming Clean

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3 Weeks Later - Feb. 13

I was happily going around the room mingling and talking to who ever stopped me. I was looking for Dave and hadn't found him yet. We had decided to have a Valentine's Day party and combine both our birthdays with it. I was currently talking to Josh when I spotted Dave talking to Jordyn and her new boyfriend Carl, I think his name was.

"Excuse me Josh. I see my husband and need to talk to him before I lose him again," I said and started walking away towards Dave.

"Hey Britt. Thank for inviting us," Jordyn said when she saw me. We hugged briefly before I looked at Dave.

"Hey Jordyn. No problem. I'm glad you could make. I need to borrow Dave for a second if that's ok," I replied as Dave put an arm around my waist.

"I'll be back guys," Dave said as he lead me towards the stairs. We walked upstairs and went into our room. I sat down on the bed and he stood in front of me. "What's up?"

"I wanted to say I was sorry for earlier," I replied as he sat down beside me.

"Babe it's fine. You're still working through this whole thing. We leave for Virginia for two weeks tomorrow. We can just relax and be a family," Dave said as he started rubbing my back.

"I don't even know how it happened. I was showering and I closed my eyes to rinse the shampoo out of my hair and I saw everything upside down and you in the distance. Then I just kept seeing pieces of things. The inside of the ambulance, the doctors and that stupid light and then the last thign I saw was you but you went by in a blur. Then I was in a field of flowers and then...." I stopped.

I hadn't told anyone besides Krist and the therapist, I was now seeing two times a week after my little two day drinking binge, about seeing Kurt. Yes I went on another one the next day after I had the first sitting in the shower and rocking back and forth episode. I went three times a week but Dave came with me to the third one. We had been fighting alot. I even stayed at Frances's for a few days when we had an extremely bad fight where he threw a vase at the wall behind me.

"Then what? Babe please tell me what else you saw. I want to know. I've been asking you sicne we started therapy together," Dave said as he took my hand and sueezed it.

"If I tell you, you can't think I'm crazy. I talked to Krist about it because he told me he did something," I said as I looked at him.

"I won't think you're crazy," He replied.

"I saw Kurt. He told me it was time to go home and held out his hand. I took it and then I was in the hospital and saw you and me. He told me all I had to was walk into the room and I'd be home. I thanked him and he said I know you do it everyday and I walked into the room and then I felt your facial hair and it was bright," I finished. He just looked at me. "See you think I'm crazy," I said and stood up. He grabbed my arm and sat me abck down on the bed.

"Kurt brought you back?" he asked, trying to make sure he understood what I was saying.

"Yes. I talked to Krist about it because he said he asked Kurt to help me. He told me Frances and Courtney did too," I replied.

"Well I'm glad he brought you back to me. I owe him for even more now," Dave said befor ehe kissed me.

"Oh they're kissing. Let's go back downstairs," I heard Abby say and I pulled away from Dave and saw Abby and Taylor at the door.

"Hey guys," I said as Taylor walked over to us.

"You guys sneaking off for some secret sex?" Taylor asked as he stood in front of us.

"No just talking," I replied.

"Britt was just telling me something I've been wanting an answer to. Nothing to worry about," Dave said as Abby sat down beside me.

"Are you guys still fighting?" she asked.

"No," Dave replied.

"Thank god. I was seriously about to kick your ass if you made her leave again," Taylor responded.

"We both were," Abby added.

"I was mad cause she wouldn't tell me what she saw after the field of flowers she was in for 3 months," Dave said as I flopped back onto the bed and rubbed my belly.

"Wait she finally told you?" Taylor replied as Abby joined me. I knew her back probably hurt like mine did so I didn't say anything.

"Ya," Dave said.

"Well maybe now you two can get back to being completely normal," Taylor said as Abby and I both sat up.

"Let's go shake our asses," Abby said as she stood up and held out a hand for me.

I grabbed it and we headed downstairs. We walked over to Frances who was in the living room dancing with Chantal and Lynz. We joined them as Dave and Taylor went back to guys int he ktichen. Jordyn eventually came over and dance with us. We where all having fun dancing and drinking, for those of us who could. When In The Clear started I ran into the kitchen and started dancing around like a goof, making the guys laugh. Dave watched me the whole time. I left the kitchen after the song finished and went back to the living room. Eventually everyone left and Dave and I headed up to bed. I was on answering an email when Dave pulled my laptop away from me.

"Excuse me but I was using that," I said as he closed it and put it on his ngiht stand.

"Well I think it's time we actually made up," He responded before kissing my neck and sliding a hand into my button up pj shirt. I didn't argue or stop him. We both wanted this as we pawed at each other and took each others clothes off and had the best sex we've had ever.

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