49. Say Yes To The Dress

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"I hate this life sometimes," I said as Dave left to call John back.

"Same and I didn't even really do anything," Frances said.

"They're gossip rags. They only care about reporting the juicy gossip," Hunter said as he got a bowl of ceral.

"What are we doing today besides our nails?" Frances asked.

"Why not add fuel to the fire and go looking for a wedding dress," I replied.

"Oh my god finally. I've been waiting for this," Frances said as she stood up.

"I'll just tell Dave we're leaving," I said as I went to Dave's office. I knocked on the door before I walked in. Dave was on the phone.

"Hold on John. Brittany needs my attention," he said before covering the speaker part of the phone.

"I'm just telling you that I'm going to go get my nails done and maybe go look at wedding dresses," I said as I stood in the doorway.

"Ok babe. See you when you get back," Dave responded before going back to his call. I closed the door behind me and headed to the front door where France was waiting.

"Hunter's got the twins until Dave is done. Let's go," Frances said as she opened the door.

We headed out to get our nails done first. Courtney joined us. When Frances told her what we where doing after, Courtney asked if she could tag along. I had to say no because Jordyn was bringing the girls. Courtney seemed to udnerstand but I promised she could come the next time I went. When Frances and I arrived at the dress store, Jordyn and the girls where just walking up to the door. The girls ran up to me and hugged me before we went inside. Once inside a lady came up to us and asked what we where here for.

"I'm engaged but I have no date yet so I kind of just want to get some ideas of what I like," I answered.

"Ok well we'll get you some choices to try on. Maybe everyone could pick out a dress they like and you can try it on," the lady said and looked at all of us.

"Britt do you mind if I just leave the girls with you and pick them up from you after dinner?" Jordyn asked.

"Ya that's fine. You can stay if you want but I understand if you don't," I replied as the girls went with Frances to find dresses for me.

"Thanks. I'll see you later. Bye girls," Jordyn called out.

"Bye mom," they all said as they looked through the dresses.

I couldn't blame Jordyn for not wanting to stay. I wouldn't want to help my soon to be ex husband's soon to be wife pick out her dress. I started looking through the dresses with Ophelia. When everyone had picked one out for me to try I headed to the change room. The first one I tried on was Ophelia's choice. It was a floor length strapless dress with jewels all over the top and they trickled down to the skirt.

"Oooooo pretty," Ophelia said when I walked out. I looked into the mirror and knew that it wasn't the one.

"Do you want to try another one on?" the lady asked.

"Yes please," I replied as I stepped back into the dressing room. I tried on Violet's choice next. It was a strap dress that hugged my body until half way down my thighs, then the skirt kinda went into a circle. There where jewels all over this dress and designs on the bottom. When I walked out Violet smiled.

"I like it," She said. I looked at her and smiled before looking intot he mirror.

"It's not poofy enough," Ophelia said.

"She should be dressed like a princess not like mom," Harper said to Violet as I headed back into the change room. I heard France tell Harper to be nice as I got into Harper's choice. Harper had chosen a knee length strapless dress. It was a bit poofy at the bottom. I walked out and did a twirl and the girls all laughed.

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